
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227263 times)

who wants to sign this declaration of independence from the forums and never come back

who wants to sign this declaration of independence from the forums and never come back

I will take part as Krone L. Kott.

maybe if i frame the exploitation of the proletariat as "getting moneycucked by your boss" i can convert all those MGTOW incel types into reds


did you just unironically say "the proletariat"

leaked a whole bunch of military documents while on active duty, got court-martialed and convicted, sentenced to 35 years but only served 7, had his genitals cut off in jail

You're not telling the full story, it's important you know what she leaked

- Manning leaked a video that showed a US Apache helicopter gunning down a group of unarmed men in Iraq. Two of the victims were journalists for Reuters. The US government claimed they were "armed insurgents"
- Manning also leaked information that the US knew of widespread torture of prisoners at hands of Iraqi Security Forces, but chose to ignore it and issued "Frago 242" which prevented investigation into Iraqi torture.
- Manning also revealed how the CIA kidnapped an innocent German citizen and shipped him off to be torture. The two CIA agents were arrested by the German government, but the US persuaded them to drop the charges.
- Manning revealed how corporations rely on the State Department to keep wages low in poorer countries. For example, in Haiti, the US embassy there pressured the Haitian president to block a minimum wage increase, at the behest of Hanes and Levi's who manufacture clothes in that country.

There are many other things Manning revealed, and the US government's investigation found no one was killed as a result of the leaks. She was sentenced to prison, and suffered treatment the UN called "cruel, inhuman and degrading".

ignoring the fact she broke several laws to leak that stuff when legal channels to report it exist

ignoring the fact she broke several laws to leak that stuff when legal channels to report it exist

"but muh anti-whistleblower laws"

I swear Leisuresuit is dedicated to supporting the most dumb stuff you can possibly find.

i pray james damore wins so hard google dies

i pray james damore wins so hard google dies

lol he's already being ridiculed

ignoring the fact she broke several laws to leak that stuff when legal channels to report it exist
what were the legal channels? i think manning did the right thing by making that information public, tho if it were reasonably possible to have done so within legal bounds then i'm not sure why that wouldn't have been what she did. either way i'm not sure if breaking the law for this kind of reason makes them a bad person. isn't it a good thing to hold the government accountable for its wrongdoings?