
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2234839 times)

dude i've eaten 2 meals today
Thats because Communism x Communism = Collapse and Return to Capitalism

People are complaining about Islamic extremism in Iran while the US funds Wahhabist Islamic extremism in Saudi Arabia.
You're one to talk, iirc you support the IRA

If the US tucked in their labia and started selling weapons to foreign countries the national debt would no longer be an issue lol. who cares if we sell weapons to CIA or islamic extremists in saudi arabia its a sellers market

you basically have wars taking place all over the world and instead of selling weapons to both sides we're wasting precious tax money trying to police foreign countries like we're hourly

We sell weapons to extremists and start wars in country as an excuse to invade because the industrial military complex is deeply embedded in our federal economy. Don't think we're warmongers because we love war, we're warmongers because we profit from it.

However if this revelation makes you think capitalism is inherently evil, you're drawing the wrong conclusions.

capitalism is evil but so is everthing else. its a dog eat dog world out there so u gotta start eating puppies

capitalism is evil but so is everthing else. its a dog eat dog world out there so u gotta start eating puppies

capitalism isn't evil, it's the mexicans.

We sell weapons to extremists and start wars in country as an excuse to invade because the industrial military complex is deeply embedded in our federal economy. Don't think we're warmongers because we love war, we're warmongers because we profit from it.

However if this revelation makes you think capitalism is inherently evil, you're drawing the wrong conclusions.

Oh my gosh you are so close

Don't try and be condescending to me, communist apologist. I know how the world works better than you do.

the middle east was a completely peaceful region before the evil amercians got involved in a war for oil

we really deep fried the middle east

we really deep fried the middle east

The world would legit be a better place if we nuked the middle east out of existence

The world would legit be a better place if we nuked the middle east out of existence
Not really. The world economy would basically collapse if we nuked the middle east. There'd be no more oil, no more warring factions to sell weapons to, less skilled laborers to work for US corporations, etc.

Its not like the middle east is actually damaging us or any other countries outside of the middle east. In fact its basically supporting them with so many cheap necessary resources. The whole 'refugees rape womn!!' can literally be translated to 'people rape women' since rape statistics increase with any population increase. And terror attacks are dominantly perpetrated by born citizens, not immigrants.

Its better to just exploit them for their natural resources and untapped economic prosperity than destroy them.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 07:25:23 PM by thegoodperry »

the middle east was a completely peaceful region before the evil amercians got involved in a war for oil

"maybe if we just intervene constantly things will get better!"

"maybe if we just intervene constantly things will get better!"

i thought you were one of the friends who said we should stay and finish our job

Not really. The world economy would basically collapse if we nuked the middle east. There'd be no more oil, no more warring factions to sell weapons to, less skilled laborers to work for US corporations, etc.

Its not like the middle east is actually damaging us or any other countries outside of the middle east. In fact its basically supporting them with so many cheap necessary resources. The whole 'refugees rape womn!!' can literally be translated to 'people rape women' since rape statistics increase with any population increase. And terror attacks are dominantly perpetrated by born citizens, not immigrants.

Its better to just exploit them for their natural resources and untapped economic prosperity than destroy them.
< sees an obvious joke