Author Topic: Little details you like about Blockland  (Read 9256 times)

Why wouldn't he say he was kidding, then?
because then it wouldn't cause such a reaction

I like how the blockhead bots act in a way that makes them mimic actual new players with chat turned off.

Yeah, it's strangely fun spawning a bunch of them and messing around with them too.
By the way, the way you're looking for is "random".

its a joke armor does not add health or damage reduction to a player

I know it is a lie but how am I supposed to know it was a joke and/or laugh at it?

The little exhaust on the RL
Bots acting like new players

These are some of my favorite things

Oh! I also love that if you hover too close to the ground with jets it kicks up dust. Neat little touch.

the default prisoner decal has the numbers 8675309 on it

the default prisoner decal has the numbers 8675309 on it
Wow, i recall that decal having numbers on it and i do know the song, but i never actually made the connection

Wow, i recall that decal having numbers on it and i do know the song, but i never actually made the connection

When you try to hit a new player, but they're dodgy as if you're trying to puncture a sugar-rushed mosquito with a blunt toothpick.

I like that I can go into the game's files and make stuff look different.

its a joke armor does not add health or damage reduction to a player

It would be cool if it did.

I like how the blockhead bots act in a way that makes them mimic actual new players with chat turned off.
apparently blockheads are actually coded to, whenever they use the "build" emote, to stare at the ground and do nothing for a while, much like what lots of us do (because we're picking bricks to put in our cart)

i like the sound effects like the sound that the wrench, hammer, printer, and other items make.

I like all the prints for ramps, like how one is the bedroom (rip), one is BLF, etc. Always liked that

I like how the default death scream is a sped-up version of doomguy screaming.

I like all the prints for ramps, like how one is the bedroom (rip), one is BLF, etc. Always liked that
blf print isn't actually built-in, surprisingly. its default, but you can remove it if you want to.