Author Topic: #TheTriggering is the #1 trending hashtag on Twitter...  (Read 25321 times)

After reading these two articles I'm still confused. So it's basically an anti-SJW hashtag that people are using to protest college safe spaces and the echo chamber of feminist social media...?


stuff like this makes me want to never appear on the internet again holy stuff kill me

^ literally. thanks for making this hashtag, nice way to compile a list of forgetfaces lmao
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 01:56:46 PM by Donnies Catch »

This is fantastic. Unfortunately, this isn't the way to convince these ridiculous idiots that their viewpoint is wrong; all it's going to do is make a lot of people angry.

The person who said "Maybe your problem is that you're not very smart, talented or attractive and society is pretty much OK. #TheTriggering" (Plippy McGee/@Plipster) had it right. Basic psychology mandates that when we find something contrary to our opinion, it's far easier to distort the truth and then actively and aggressively disagree than it is to change ourselves to fit the new information.

This is fantastic.
im sorry but wow is this the dumbest stuff ever what a DUMB HASHTAG DUDE


« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 02:05:38 PM by Donnies Catch »

Time to get my Twitter banned by saying that all censorship is wrong and hate speech is okay.

Cyberbulling is essentially the use of technology to accomplish standard bullying, which is a long string of personal attacks made by an individual at another individual for various motivations.

This isn't "cyberbullying". No specific individuals are being constantly bashed on. This is a group of people detailing their opinion on why certain ideas are stupid. Yeah, there's a couple of idiots who will take this too far and post some really horrible stuff, but there's also people in the SJW community who are complete nuts.

You can't decry an entire social media "event" (for lack of a better word) simply because you feel like it's a personal attack even though nobody has directly launched anything at you. If it bothers you so much, do what most normal people do and LOG OUT.

SJWs are terribly annoying but this is the wrong way to approach it lmao

dude this is the dumbest stuff ever, just admit it lol

im pretending to be triggered and theyre all like GOOD WORK EVERYONE NICE JOB

so how is this any better than what those gosh darn ess jay double us are doing

What's dumb about this is that they're deliberately trying to make these people mad.

By saying my opinion about censorship, is anyone getting hurt? No. Do I have a target? No. But these people are taking it a little far imo

i got some followers for making fun of #thetriggering nerds this stuff is literally highschool

why can't we all just get along

why can't we all just get along
why can't we be friends