Author Topic: King of page X  (Read 17283 times)

As I am about to reply it shows all the previous posts. Mario's can't honestly say he never saw the spam.

no one is saying he never saw it he was just replying to it saying he hates it in a fashion thats commonly used when stuff like this happens

Very soon I'll be the only Australia left on these boards. I just need the others to post "King of Page X" posts now.

ill never be banned I'm a good noodle

ill probably regret saying that in a year and someone will quote this

It should just be a bannable offense, no exceptions. There's thousands of "king of page x" posts and they clutter up every long thread.

It should just be a bannable offense, no exceptions. There's thousands of "king of page x" posts and they clutter up every long thread.

not if its a pretty big milestone like 100 or 1000 pages

however imo the post should still contribute to the thread

king of page 5!!

User was banned for this post

How long is this ban? Anybody know?

king of page 5!!

User was banned for this post

How long is this ban? Anybody know?

I honestly don't know. For everyone else it seems to be 3 days, however Bolsters been through around 5 accounts and on top of that was being a snarky richard.

queen of page 5!!!!!

Why was Darryl banned and MYST wasn't? Didn't they do the same thing?

You're actually buying his story?  Marios just closed his eyes, didn't look at anything in the thread, then some how by cosmic coincidence typed exactly the same thing that a dozen people before him had typed?  You believe this?  That's what 'critical thinking' is to you - just naively believing what children tell you?

Honestly, it doesn't even matter - if his excuse is true (which it isn't), then we can just update his ban reason to be "posting without reading the thread".
Which kids are telling me a story that I'm naively believing? I'm not in contact with them.

I mean sure marios could have prefaced his post with "I hate people" so that is read "I hate people claiming x of page x". That would be redundant though, given the topic title.
It's similar to people who constantly preface their opinions with "IMO". It's pointless and just looks weak.

You could be right that he was trying to be clever, but personally I'd give him the benefit of the doubt in that situation.
You're being overly cynical and suspicious.

I'm starting to understand why people constantly complain about your server.  
That doesn't seem relevant, but okay.

As I am about to reply it shows all the previous posts. Mario's can't honestly say he never saw the spam.
unless he used quick reply

I honestly, deeply and truly believe that there's no way Marios didn't see the other post(s) before replying, and I cannot understand why Tezuni wants to back this moron up. He either saw the rest of the posts and then posted anyway, proving he's an idiot and was contributing to the chain, or he didn't look and proved he was an idiot for not understanding the context of the post above his (which you should be doing in any forum topic unless it's a silly "Post your X" game where no context is necessary).

Part of posting in drama is having situational awareness, because otherwise you get people who bump 5 month old topics and people who start pointless, irrelevant debates. Fun fact: Clicking on the topic name if it appears on the homepage or the name on the board page will take you to the latest unread post. That either means Mario was taken to the right page and then ignored what was right in front of him, or he directly skipped to the end and commented on a single post even when all the context he needed was right in front of him (as you can see when you hit the reply button and look at the bottom of the post editor).

That said, the server thing did feel like a cheap insult, I'm not in favour of that.

unless he used quick reply
Real Talk: How do you get Quick Reply? I've never found it.

Most likely not, Darryl just did it in a sarcastic and mocking way, so he was banned for it

I just realized you're under another name.

Real Talk: How do you get Quick Reply? I've never found it.
profile > look and layout preferences >

profile > look and layout preferences >
Oh cool, thanks. Haven't really dived into those options yet.

I honestly, deeply and truly believe that there's no way Marios didn't see the other post(s) before replying, and I cannot understand why Tezuni wants to back this moron up. He either saw the rest of the posts and then posted anyway, proving he's an idiot and was contributing to the chain, or he didn't look and proved he was an idiot for not understanding the context of the post above his (which you should be doing in any forum topic unless it's a silly "Post your X" game where no context is necessary).
Hold on, I don't really think he was intentionally trying to add to the chain and he was just saying that people who make those posts annoy him. I don't think he had to look at anyone elses posts either. Im thinking it's like a "Post your favorite albums" thread. You aren't gonna look through everyone's posts and quote an album here and quote one there, you're just gonna post your favorites without looking to see if some people posted them already.

If that makes sense