Author Topic: C-Zech Chrome Ind: Autistic moron who really likes to use a thesaurus, Flaming.  (Read 30849 times)

C-Zech Chrome Ind

Oh my. where to begin.

I first came across this guy in the infamous nexus thread, and man oh man does it get autistic FAST (
then this fool invades The Harvest clan topic. some of his lowlights

Stupid?  Yes.  For saying Blockchip needs an executive order?  No.
(flaming, I got banned for something similar, just can't report him)

Akio was great last month.  It's as if he had a love change.
then, he moves into MY clan topic. He's on my blacklist for pretty obvious reasons, and begins to throw a thesaurus-aided tantrum:
I'm pulled into being an enemy of extreme prejudice just because I disapproved of your immature behaviour, on top of trying (and failing) to undo Nexus' bad reputation through peaceful discussion (on top of trying to make matches much more fair) and being interested in strategy?

What are you trying to prove?  Why are you wasting your time doing this? At least Lord Tony puts us on a list and leaves it at that.

Edit:  I'm a member of Autism TM, you know.

(he's not, according to you and ravencroft)
You never really responded to my other questions, you only targeted my claim on being in Autism TM.

What's wrong?  Don't you have any valid answers?  Surely you can do better than that.

The final tipping point was the "things that people do that you hate on the BLF" topic. after a chainban of many problem users, Akio, Mcjob, and I(among other users) say we hope that some of these users are gone for good. then it begins. There is a lot of flaming in here by Z chrome, and I would have reported him if my report privileges weren't gone for reporting like 60 of kalphiters posts in a very short timeframe.(a lonnnng time ago)
I hope your ban is permanent.
(I literally didn't do anything here)

What gives you the impression I'm a furry?  :S

Patton put me on his "scrubs" list on his clan, commanding people to "search and destroy them and ban them on sight"  I think.  Not sure exactly, but when I asked him why with a series of questions, he just kept deflecting.  Have a look on the "wreckers" thread in the clan section to see the insanity.

He is not a reasonable person.

this guy

Here's the part of it that I'm talking about, just in case people don't feel like searching.


sorry for the double post but is something wrong with this z crome dude? he's mad that my group doesn't like idiotic posters...?

I don't think everyone i dislike is autistic. Z chrome follows me around in a similar way to the way blockchip follows lord tony. i know a majority agrees that the majority of those banned should be perma'd.

replys with:
I see you everywhere I go.  You are unavoidable in my notifications list, and I am agitated by your hipocrisy on this thread after being moronic towards me (you still haven't responded to my questions.  I wonder why?) Your voice is fundamentally flawed, and your inability to explain your actions properly intensifies this.

you have a notifications list for the blf? are you kidding me? i still dont see any of your so-called questions either(quote them here if i'm wrong). also stop trying to use big words to make yourself smart, it makes no difference and is overall very annoying (blockchip is also guilty of this and it drives me crazy)

I use the words that come to me in the moment to describe accurately the pictures in my mind, I'm not trying to sound smart.

Can't blame you though.  A forum user tried to help me adjust the way I write posts to make myself easily understood and to make my posts less awkward to read (kudos to him  :cookie:)  So I understand.  Sorry about that.

Patton, you do know there is a section on your profile editing page that says "notifications and email" right?  I have that open in a seperate tab to make sure I can see what's new in each thread I've commented in.

Here's the quote:

If you can answer them reasonably without trying to deflect with the 'your trying to sound smart and i'm saying this to divert attention from myself to you' thing, it would be greatly appreciated.

You're on that list because you act like a loving idiot on the forums and in game. Simple as that. You're really only giving me more evidence of that right now, and not even mentioning that all if not the vast majority of The Wreckers share my view and agree that we don't like you or your behavior

More deflection and no aforementioned evidence.

Let's see, I'll make it very easy for you:

Taking in the fact that all I've done to you to in order to earn that place in your little list was;

1. Disapprove of your behaviour, you know, SEIG HEIL HARVEST and all that good stuff,

2. Try and repair the bad reputation of -Nexus- through (a) trying to make amends with irritated people through PM, and (b) trying to set up new match rules to make it 100% fair for combatants on both sides,

3.  Being interested in testing strategies in Blockland to see how they pan out, which I demonstrated by posting what I had put a lot of hard work into on the -Nexus- thread,

-What are you trying to prove?
-What is the real purpose of putting me on the list?
-Where's the proof that I'm an idiot in-game, and on what server(s) would you deduce that?
-Where's the proof that I'm an idiot on the forums, and how would you deduce that?

Answer all four questions.  Don't you dare derail it by focusing on one point.

I don't have to prove anything, your posts prove your stupidity for me
I've heard about it from users in and out of my clan, and it's constant with your behavior on here
See above, word of mouth thats totally believable
Almost EVER SINGLE ONE of your posts and i know i'm not the only person on this page that thinks that

So Is that really your argument?

You don't need proof of my behaviour in-game (Which I know from the reactions of other players is positive) because it must be oh-so obvious to everyone that my behaviour proves I'm stupid?

You don't need proof of the bountiful negativd chit-chat about me, because it must be so obvious to everyone that I'm stupid because of my behaviour?

You don't need to explan yourself for your own conduct at all, because It's somehow obcious to everyone that I'm such an idiot?

You don't need proof that I'm a pain in the ass, because it's so obvious to everyone that all I ever do is be pretentious and nothing else?

So that's why you aren't answering my questions.  Your reasons aren't good enough.

(this after I give him answers, IN ORDER to his questions, yet he can't accept them. pretty funny that someone with such an impressive vocabulary is almost illiterate)
honestly to a point that i dont need to tell anyone that this guy is stupid because he does such a great job of proving my point for me

You're 17, and you've just made a post about hooking up with two girls.  "(stickitinherpooper)"  you say afterwards.(thread in question

How can you not see your own conduct?  Why can't I provoke you to say something other than a bland excuse?

You have just done exactly as I told you not to:  You completely ignored every single question that would jeopardise your ego, and you went onto critisizing me (with no proof, I might add)
You even go on to say you don't even need proof, because the invisible evidence is everywhere.

Due to your actions and the information you have provided, I gather this: You're a hormonal teenager with no frontal-lobe brain development, unable to project advanced consequence to action.  Because you are unable to form any kind of logical argument, you just try and abstractly put me down for wrongs that you aren't even willing to provide proof for.

What does that say about you?

If anything, aren't you even interested in proving to me that I'm in the wrong in order to help me see what I've done?  If you can't provide proof, I can't see what I've done. You're not just going sit there and call me an idiot 24/7, are you?

at this point i think z chrome is just jealous of my love life

I don't want any loveually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, shallow-airheads or anything that steals my time away from my goals.  I've already argued with Dannu and Danny Boy because of this.

I can't believe you're actually going to be this thick after everything I've just tried to drill into your head.

Why does everyone insist that I'm always trying to be an obnoxious smart-ass?  My arguments are completely sound, and I've identified Patton's irrational behavior through and through.  I've always spoken like this well before puberty -I was never exposed to other children for long periods of time, so I naturally developed my own way of constructing sentences, which is unfortunately really awkward for people to read and to try and make sense out of.

Just because there are obnoxious people out there that sound like me doesn't mean I'm in that category.  I'm getting sick of reiterating this over and over again, I'm already trying to work on making things simpler to read.

(Not attacking you personally,  just stating my viewpoint.)

Like stuffposting on the internet? Or is that the "goal" that makes love impossible for you?

You probably just think similarly to me, or you interpret it differently from other people, thus finding what I'm actually trying to say.

In order to make myself more easily understood to a wider audience, I just need to somehow alter the way I speak so that it can convey the meaning I'm trying to get across.

P.S.  My spelling originates from English (UK) rather than English (US).

So just because all you see is my posts, you conclude that I'm not engaged in multiple projects?  have you not seen some of the topics that I've created?

All of which is just a brief glimmer in what takes up most of my recreational time...
 I really do sound pretentious.  Oh well.
(admitting to stuffposting)

Oh.  I thought he meant that I was constantly stuffposting, nevermind.

I think I did stuffpost at one point... I believe I did this on two separate occasions, the first one was accidental and had something to do with aliens (A forumer kindly explained to me that the joke wouldn't be taken as a joke without context, so kudos to him)  The second one I think was in the Harvest thread, where I had a brief lapse of stupidity as I just took it as a joke clan because Lord Tony had started it.
I stopped, of course.  I did indeed stuffpost a couple of times.

"I don't have time for women because I'm too busy dreaming up overly complicated MERPs for an online lego game"

Yeah, okay, finding it pretty hard to believe this whole "committing to celibacy" thing was entirely your choice lmfao.

It was an idea that I was interested to see implemented, and it was not intended to be a MERP.  Read the entire discussion before making assumptions.

It's not that I don't have time for women, I treat both genders equally from the age of 40 upwards.  Any age of the opposite love lower than that and I draw away in case of gossip.  I do see the sun, you know.

Is there something wrong with a conscious decision to commit to celibacy?
(what even is this)

I know it's kinda ironic given the context, but reading that thread would be an actual waste of time.

When you pretend that it's an actual choice and imply you're not just a total permavirgin, kinda, yeah.

The real thing that gets me is that you're going to sit here and try to stuff on patton for pursuing women and pretend that you don't have time for them because you're so dedicated to your 'goals', but yet you've been wasting time here having this brainless argument with him for the past 6 loving pages digging up a bunch of dirt on patton for no reason, trying to convince people that you type like an idiot because of some sort of childhood condition, and now trying to justify to me that you can't get your richard wet because tank armor physics in Blockland is too time consuming or something.

Do yourself a favor dude, and just give it a break. You don't have anything to prove to these people.
(forgetin fire by rally here)

This is where you're wrong. People aren't giving you stuff because you sound like some other person who is an starfish. You just flat out sound like an starfish. This long-winded bullstuff filler style you have going now is obnoxious. You could very easily cut out like half of what you write and it would be way easier to read. At the very least, try to be like Sir Dooble. He types long posts, but he isn't pretentious as hell doing it. Compare his posts to your posts. You have way more filler in yours.
I'm not even including many of his other posts because I'm afraid I'll hit the character limit.

Other quotes from from users who are sick of his bullstuff:
I'm with patton on you trying too hard to sound smart. Your post was awkward to read.
(quote referencing above post)
That and sometimes he tries to make his post "super zany and funee!!!" and the cringe gets too real.
agh no please stop
God C-Zech you are really loving annoying lol
I consider it topical to note my agreement pertaining to Nick’s aforementioned conclusion
(forgetIN SAVAGE)
congrats, you managed to miss it by a mile, and take it out of context

You sound like literally the most unpleasant person on the entire planet, and you have my pity.

I don't know what else to post here. This guy drive me insane with his hard to read posts and his pompous demeanor, and I know I'm not the only one.

he seems like the type of person who doesn't get any pusillanimous individual irl so he has to make up big words to compensate

I bet he has a "Big Word of the Day" calendar

I can't believe it took this long for this drama to happen. /support to the absolute maximum.

I can't believe it took this long for this drama to happen. /support to the absolute maximum.
it took me forever to make the thing because there's so much

this guy makes me incredibly uncomfortable beyond belief

If this guys even tries to take it up in here, he's forgeted. Rather claim guilty and take the pity.

he seems like the type of person who doesn't get any pusillanimous individual irl so he has to make up big words to compensate

Woah bro, it's nothing to do with that, he just doesn't have time for them because he's too busy... uh...

C-Zech is one of those people with the mentality of "if I sound smart it'll make me look smart". Put the thesaurus down for once, you're a teenager not a phd.

am I like literally the only one who doesn't automatically have a vendetta against him because he talks formally on casual occasions
that's like kicking someone out of a birthday party because they're wearing a suit and tie, despite the fact that they had a clear invitation to the party

am I like literally the only one who doesn't automatically have a vendetta against him because he talks formally on casual occasions
that's like kicking someone out of a birthday party because they're wearing a suit and tie, despite the fact that they had a clear invitation to the party
not really considering the person in question comes into the party yelling that the host is a starfish and they hope he gets arrested.

not really considering the person in question comes into the party yelling that the host is a starfish and they hope he gets arrested.
so you guys call him out for being pretentious simply because he talks formally, then he retaliates and calls you guys richards and suddenly he's in the fault? seriously grow up

so you guys call him out for being pretentious simply because he talks formally, then he retaliates and calls you guys richards and suddenly he's in the fault? seriously grow up
Quote from: C-Zech Chrome Ind. on Yesterday at 11:25:36 AM
I hope your ban is permanent.
this was unprovoked