Author Topic: BlocklandBlockoCity's Butt Panic  (Read 40922 times)

its okay we'll be furries together <3!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 09:39:54 PM by Nal »

remember the last "cyber-furry" we had that basically said their character was made of nano machines and stuff

this guy is much worse.

its okay we'll be furries together <3!
*snuggles into your neck* >///<!!!

the infection has already spread


brb lemme go buy guns

1. im calm right now the time i posted this.

2. I dont claim i made the save i took.
3. im better at smaller buildings rather than big houses like mansions

4. why is being an ALT a problem
1. probably because you took a chill pill and put on some calm balm
2. if you copy something then there's no creativity, be original
3. you told me that before
4A. alt is not an acronym
4B. if one gets banned forever, they shouldn't come back

This is easily one of the funniest things I have ever seen on this website. 10/10

what the forget is going on

Free stuffs, they should all work.

i dont like being naked or seeing others naked

you've got a big storm coming

why are we scene now though?
* ChappersTeddy screams "RAWR" then "xD"

1. probably because you took a chill pill and put on some calm balm
2. if you copy something then there's no creativity, be original
3. you told me that before
4A. alt is not an acronym
4B. if one gets banned forever, they shouldn't come back
okay, i understand.

remember the last "cyber-furry" we had that basically said their character was made of nano machines and stuff

this guy is much worse.
the infection has already spread
you think im trying to infect you?! now thanks for your comment, i got haunted. im already scared of cybermens, and now YOU SAID IM INFECTING YOU!!
you shouldn't have said that.

YOU HATE ME NOW? i have seen you in boss battles and you think im a noob who takes every save i see.
i have made a house myself, but its too ugly and not suitable for stuff, but it has a mini-pool and a parasol, and a front lawn(grass).
it also has a bay window at the front, but the brick doesnt let you place furniture there, and then, youre wasting room.

thanks darg i just hacked him
YOU HACKED ME???!!! true?

your trying to steal me, is it?
your a terrorist? you said you hacked me

your trying to steal me, is it?
your a terrorist? you said you hacked me
I don't think terrorism is finding people's passwords, it's more blowing people up in the name of a belief (or simply being a radicalist handicap)

'Allahu akbar, I will hack your account on Minecraft'