Author Topic: Setbottype will not work  (Read 572 times)

I was told that setting a bot's type to none would make it disappear. Instantly I thought, "Hey, I could make a campaign with this! Maybe this is how thay one guy got Sector Z to work so well." So I did this as a test:

Onminigamespawn > namedbrick >(brick or bricks that bots spawn at) >setbottype > none

I did this so that the map wouldn't be filled with bots to lag it up at the beginning, hoping that they wouldn't spawn until I set an event trigger (like walking through a zone or stepping on a brick.)

But it doesn't work. Each time I start a minigame, the bot remains at its spawn, shooting at me. I've tried using the Onminigameroundstart, and Onminigamereset events, but I get the same result. Do these events just not work, or does the setbottype not work?

Please help, lots'o fun is on the line hea'!

I did a little test and it should work.
You sure the bot hole bricks and the brick with the event belong to you?

Also, I don't know if it is a good idea to make all bots disappear when a single player respawns.
Well, maybe if you want the game to be singleplayer only.

I did a little test and it should work.
You sure the bot hole bricks and the brick with the event belong to you?

Also, I don't know if it is a good idea to make all bots disappear when a single player respawns.
Well, maybe if you want the game to be singleplayer only.

Yeah, I was gonna start with a single player at first just to test a few things out. Then maybe, when I got the hang of it, I'd port the map on here as a multiplayer campaign after finding a different way to do it.

But you said it worked for you? Hm. In the past, I've had issues with blockland just not working properly. Events specifically. Then, I'd discover that they'd be rectified once I did a complete reinstall with none of my add-ons. Instead of doing that, I'm just gonna try and disable all add-ons to see if a specific one is screwing things up. Sometimes that happens right?

Oh, and I'm gonna check to see if the bricks are mine. The minigame I used was a saved one, and although I don't remember having any reason to do so, I may have ticked a box somewhere. :/

if the bricks are yours and the minigame is yours it should do what you want it to do

but blockland is a bit finnicky so it's best to try it out