
He dead!

Cremate him
4 (19%)
Bury him
2 (9.5%)
Send him out on a tiny boat on a lake
5 (23.8%)
Option 3 + Fire
0 (0%)
10 (47.6%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: Holding a Wasp Hostage  (Read 12825 times)

ignore c-zech and apply a welding torch to its thorax

take it out back and put a bullet in it.

preferably a shotgun shell.
Ol' Yeller

don't release it
wasps don't deserve to exist

Day 4
He was (hopefully) sleeping when I left for school this morning. I'm on my way home right now, I'll keep you guys posted.

I'd be paranoid as forget for like 2 weeks straight if I came home and the hornet wasn't there anymore.

last summer there was a hornet on our ceiling for like a month
we finally trapped it in a window and killed it


Ok, let me tell you guys what just happened

He is still alive and I gave him sugar water. He drank about a tablespoon's worth of it out of the dropper I had (I refilled it twice at 1/2 tbsp). When I took the dropper away the second time after it was empty, he continued to drink the droplets off the screen, as expected.
But, I raised the dropper up to the screen and the wasp put his antennas up, looked at it, and moved towards it.

He now knows his food source

Am I the wasp whisperer?

« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 03:19:10 PM by witchking »

these are the first steps to taming the wasps

bee calm and carry on

befriend it so he becomes the human-wasp ambassador and you can take the role of king of the wasps

befriend it so he becomes the human-wasp ambassador and you can take the role of king of the wasps


Now, try and sneak bleach into the sugar water and poison the forgeter.