Author Topic: complain about stuff thread  (Read 5197 times)

torquescript is so goddamn slow jesus christ forget whoever made this stuffty language like holy forget man you could not make a slower goddamn language if you loving tried

the groups  of 15 year olds that spout annoying memes repeatedly

the idiots that drive through the exit of the school parking lot to drop their kids off like fx,hdkjxhnd
i dont like the freshmen at my school very much, pretty immature and obnoxious
i hate my drawings
i spend too much money sometimes someone help meee
i can't get my mom to help me get a state id/license forget

ill post more when i think of them

12 year olds on the internet
The internet
Bernie Sanders voters
Hillary voters
"Blockland is dead!!!1!!1!1!"
Traffic in San Francisco I mean jesus christ people just loving turn already goddamnit
When people post walls of text with little punctuation
College students who think Communism will work even though it never does
"If you don't vote Hillary you're a loveist!"

Will add more
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 10:45:29 PM by Red Spy »

holy forget man you could not make a slower goddamn language if you loving tried
what about whoever made basic

I absolutely despise FineBros and Kwebbelkop on youtube

The people who post controversial things on facebook and then yell at you for reacting
I hate someone, i kill it on sight.

torquescript is so goddamn slow jesus christ forget whoever made this stuffty language like holy forget man you could not make a slower goddamn language if you loving tried
make a scripting language....within torquescript...........

call it "forgetyouscript"

god forget twisted ankles there is so much fasting I could be doing right now that this bullstuff ankle injury inhibits

I hate someone, i kill it on sight.
woah woah woah hey hey buddy we don't want another ForeverAlone

there are some Users in which make Inanimate TFs.

such as TheEigthSinDeath, Trevor-fox, Stonetouch and others.

I want to launch missiles at all of them



you've been playing too much global thermonuclear war my friend

what about whoever made basic
basic is orders of magnitude faster than torquestuff.

i have entered in Tantrum state many times. now i want to destroy DeviantART to end up that Hatred