Author Topic: roast the above user  (Read 6937 times)

you need to have the word "cool" in your name because nobody cares about you

"monday" is a very disrespectful and rude slang term and I would like you to delete your post immediately like your ex girlfriend deleted all meaning in your life.

you're whackin off too much in your life

Wow, adding a ² after your name, never seen that before...

Drydess, more like
Dryrichard - cause you don't get any puss
Dryness - because of the dryness of your richard
Dryass - because you don't wipe your ass
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 08:53:26 PM by kidplasma »


more like

kid with asthma

tootsie rolls

i don't EAT THEM


I already made a thread about this but nvm. (Skip me)

ur gay, you walking carrot!!!!