Author Topic: BlocklandBlockoCity - Huge Hater on Eon  (Read 8952 times)

al right kid kmeet me up my suername is co ol kid 12 3 32 1 i have me m ber ship and every thi ng
tap tap nkkch punkkch ur ded yey i won get rekt tkt ecks dee dee XDXDDXDX el oh el LOLOLOO

/support he needs to mature

al right kid kmeet me up my suername is co ol kid 12 3 32 1 i have me m ber ship and every thi ng
no bernie dont do it

your heart rate cant take it

tap tap nkkch punkkch ur ded yey i won get rekt tkt ecks dee dee XDXDDXDX el oh el LOLOLOO
not so fast!!
*kill self*
now u cant take my gmaerrtag!!

not so fast!!
*kill self*
now u cant take my gmaerrtag!!
haw haw haw i was the jaun tha t kieeld youaw with de consal commends and i git it and if you did it feerst i can conseal coummnd it hahah!!!!!!!!!!111!!

haw haw haw i was the jaun tha t kieeld youaw with de consal commends and i git it and if you did it feerst i can conseal coummnd it hahah!!!!!!!!!!111!!
yeis pee c mastur raes

this is an underrated post

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 09:56:31 PM by Badspot »

« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 09:56:35 PM by Badspot »

« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 09:56:57 PM by Badspot »

« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 09:56:46 PM by Badspot »

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 09:56:39 PM by Badspot »

what the heck happened here

that chainban holy stuff

that's a p good chainban