
Should the person who did this be arrested and charged for what hes done


Author Topic: Another Prank Going Too Far  (Read 4672 times)

i thought it was funny
i'm glad to see him back

Why the actual forget, are people defending this guy?
Let me come to where you work and act like a loving spastic and make your day hell because I want it for a "prank" video. I bet you wouldn't think it's funny if he was digging your relatives grave or throwing your stuff off your boat.

i wouldn't think it's funny if I were in those situations.
idk if it's just me, but I do find these very entertaining. you're acting like he's the only person that's ever done starfish stuff on camera before. i do think that throwing stuff off the boat and digging the dirt was kinda too far, but it's not like he dug the coffin up and skullforgeted the corpse

Desecrating graves

That's not really a crime and they are dead anyways.

wherefore the actual alas, art people defending this guy?
alloweth me cometh to wh're thee w'rk and act liketh a loving spastic and maketh thy day hell because i wanteth t f'r a "prank" video. i did bet thee wouldn't bethink t's comical if 't be true that gent wast digging thy relatives grave 'r throwing thy the horror off thy boat.

Why are you getting triggered over a prank? I mean did he do something to you personally?

This is the funniest stuff I ever saw.

The only illegal stuff I'm seeing is the constant assault done to this guy. Throw those people in jail.

Remember: if you don't respond to Tony, he stops.

that's the most stupid reason as to why this video should be removed, why the forget would a kid want to dig up a grave/shovel sand on someone/stand in front of a backhoe/whatever just because some starfish on youtube did it?
I agree, but when you visit the Youtube Guidelines it says not commit harmful or dangerous acts so as not to encourage children to do the same--and if you do so, rate your video 18+. I'm stating it because I know it matters to the Youtube Staff.

I just subscribed to this guy, he's really funny.

I saw his blind person video and someone in the comments said "blind people will find this offensive" how can they if they can't see it?

then when you die i hope he digs up your grave.

What's the difference from a museum digging up your grave in 20,000 years from now and putting you on display?

Nothing, yet we allow museums to do this.

What's the difference from a museum digging up your grave in 20,000 years from now and putting you on display?
That we can actually learn from digging up the graves of people 20,000 years old? From finding out about the people themselves (from their skeletons) to what they were buried with (what their culture considered important).

lord tony is actually an edgy 14 year old

That we can actually learn from digging up the graves of people 20,000 years old? From finding out about the people themselves (from their skeletons) to what they were buried with (what their culture considered important).

So it's alright to disrespect the dead if they are 20,000+ years old.

I'm sure those mummies preferred staying in their specially built pyramid just for them and not sitting behind glass in a museum.

Hundreds of people died making those pyramids and they are being mocked now because the pyramid holds no purpose now. It houses no ancient remains.

Let's not respond to tony

This is why I hate """"""""""""prank"""""""""""" videos. The uploader does illegal stuff and justifies it as a """"""""joke"""""""" and people ACTUALLY support him. loving why.

Say what you want is illegal, it actually depends on the location he's from. For example Dog loving is legal where Pie Crust is from.

So you're basing the legality of his video based on your location, not his.

Say what you want is illegal, it actually depends on the location he's from. For example Dog loving is legal where Pie Crust is from.

So you're basing the legality of his video based on your location, not his.