Author Topic: [NEWS] 50 dead, 53 injured in Orlando, FL gay club shooting  (Read 31136 times)

i don't know what people keep expecting from a religion created by a warmongering child rapist, honestly

I'm beginning to question your capacity to argue when all you can post are these really loving obnoxious memes that don't address the point.


I'm beginning to question your capacity to argue when all you can post are these really loving obnoxious memes that don't address the point.
Yeah dude I totally meant that as a serious point here's your victory points

tbh I feel like lgbt individuals that defend Islam just really hate themselves. 50% of British Muslims believe that lgbt lifestyle should be illegal. BUT CHRISTIANITY IS JUST AS BAD / WORSE!!!!!!

there's nothing wrong with criticizing islam; there is something wrong with making broad generalizations about a very large group of people because you're extrapolating that onto individuals who each have their own experiences and volition

assuming that everyone (or a majority) who follows islam is somehow indoctrinated with some extreme murder doctrine just because they read it in a book once is not okay, and it's just a lazy conclusion drawn without considering all of the political and socioeconomic factors that actually fuel middle eastern unrest. if your entire life sucks and everything around you sucks and your government sucks and it isn't doing anything about it, terrorism sounds like a pretty good political tool. we see a different common denominator here, and that's the real disagreement. people aren't worried about inclusiveness or lovey-dovey hand holding, they just see different inputs to the same output

ideas and people are different things, people normally adopt ideas because they confirm their already-existing biases. it's an iterative process.

Socioeconomic factors is just an excuse we see people from all walks of life joining CIA and becoming radicalized. In the gulf states where the most radical sect of Islam is prevalent most of the citizens of those country are well to do as a result of the distribution of oil wealth to the population. Yet, you still see thousands of them going to join CIA and other radical Islamic affiliates. Let's not forget that Islam kills more of its own adherents then anything and the sectarian violence has been going after the death of Muhammad. Nearly one in five British muslims justify terror attacks it really isn't a small number anymore.

People are sick of being told it's intolerant to speak out against Islam when in reality Islam is the most toxic form of religion on earth.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 03:32:26 PM by Psych36 »

I don't like Christianity or Islam. I'm an atheist. The point is that by generalizing a group by their very worst you insult every single one of the good ones.

Sadly, I always end up having to defend Islam because nobody says all of Christianity is bad. Even when someone like Ted Bundy commits the largest terrorist act in history. (and he's christian)

I have a really great friend who's Muslim. I don't think he supports the LGBT movement but I've never heard him speak against it. And he's ultra peaceful. Wouldn't kill a bug. Acting as though he is somehow more likely to kill than a gunned up testy Annoying Orange supporter is ridiculous.

wear that watch with pride dude
I'll start wearing it in like a month when everyone forgets about this shooting and moves on to another

Was I ever defending Christianity? However, I will say this. All religions are not created equally. Christianity underwent a reformation and its adherents were the founders of liberal Western Democracy. In our country when someone makes an offensive caricature of Christ they aren't beheaded or shot or forced into hiding. Above all, freedom of speech is the most important freedom we could ever have. Islam is a totalitarian belief system that is against all the values we hold dearly in Western civilized society. Muhammad killed those who criticized Islam as did the succeeding caliphs and most Muslim countries. Infact, Ayatollah Khomeini the religious leader of Iran issued a bounty on the head of Salman Rushdie for simply writing a book that criticizes Islam. It doesn't get any more totalitarian then Islam.
this is a pretty fair point, modern christianity has incorporated a lot of western ideals since its creation, and islam has mostly stuck in places with a pretty poor IHDI

of course most religious people obv aren't converts, they were just raised being told that's what they are. they didn't make the decision on their own, it's just what they've always been. people are products of their environment more than anything else, not products of a book. what people think is acceptable, how they act, how they think, what they like, and what they hate are all decided by someone's personal life experiences and not dictated some old book. i've never seen a christian actually do a 180 on their beliefs because they read something in the bible they didn't know about (if they did, it would likely be more so due to social pressure or major life events which have a much greater weight), and i wouldn't expect that psychology changes for muslims either

Socioeconomic factors is just an excuse we see people from all walks of life joining CIA and becoming radicalized. In the gulf states where the most radical sect of Islam is prevalent most of the citizens of those country are well to do as a result of the distribution of oil wealth to the population. Yet, you still see thousands of them going to join CIA and other radical Islamic affiliates. Let's not forget that Islam kills more of its own adherents then anything and the sectarian violence has been going after the death of Muhammad. Nearly one in five British muslims justify terror attacks it really isn't a small number anymore.
the political climate of the region would definitely affect more than just the parts where all the action is happening, anyone with a sense of investment in the conflict would be drawn in as well

i don't know what people keep expecting from a religion created by a warmongering child rapist, honestly
Stop spreading your islamophobic hate speech, I mean, you're a loving white male!

I don't like Christianity or Islam. I'm an atheist. The point is that by generalizing a group by their very worst you insult every single one of the good ones.

Sadly, I always end up having to defend Islam because nobody says all of Christianity is bad. Even when someone like Ted Bundy commits the largest terrorist act in history. (and he's christian)

I have a really great friend who's Muslim. I don't think he supports the LGBT movement but I've never heard him speak against it. And he's ultra peaceful. Wouldn't kill a bug. Acting as though he is somehow more likely to kill than a gunned up testy Annoying Orange supporter is ridiculous.

You literally just contradicted yourself...

"Acting as though he is somehow more likely to kill than a gunned up testy Annoying Orange supporter is ridiculous."

"The point is that by generalizing a group by their very worst you insult every single one of the good ones."

You're preaching tolerance yet alienating a large group of the general populace that outnumbers muslims living in America.

A lot of the reason the middle east is so forgeted up is because of US involvement. I wouldn't say Islam is the problem so much as the political turmoil in the Middle East is the problem.

Anyway, apparently this is the worst mass shooting in US history. So often when these things happen, pro-gun people will claim that it's a mental health problem, not a gun problem. If that's true, I wish rightist politicians would be more consistent and actually provide funding to mental health services. Mental health is a public health issue. We as a society have to move in a direction, be that gun control or mental health, to make America safer.

"Acting as though he is somehow more likely to kill than a gunned up testy Annoying Orange supporter is ridiculous."
"The point is that by generalizing a group by their very worst you insult every single one of the good ones."

You're preaching tolerance yet alienating a large group of the general populace that outnumbers muslims living in America.
I didn't generalize at all, I was very specific.

~Gunned up~ someone who purchases weapons anticipating violence.
~Testy~ Irritable, angry
~Annoying Orange Supporter~ Someone with a lot of controversial opinions

Doesn't this seem like someone who's more likely to kill than someone described as quiet and peaceful, who wouldn't kill a bug?

I wouldn't say Islam is the problem so much as the political turmoil in the Middle East is the problem.
Yeah it's not Islam's fault for CIA killing people in the name of Islam, it's the us taking down Hussein!