Author Topic: Fantasy CityRPG  (Read 1306 times)

Fantasy Town RPG

So I have been thinking, why not combine 2 of my favorite Blockland RPG's: Medieval/fantasy RPG and City RPG?
A City RPG in a fantasy setting with blacksmiths, merchants, knights, magic, dungeons, dragons and quests.
The normal City RPG is getting stale.

I would do it myself, but I don't have much experience in coding with Torque and don't have a suitable CityRPG version either.
So I throw this idea out there for anyone to pick up.
But I am certainly willing to help once such a person is found.

Quick list of features:
-Weapons will consist of: blades, bows and magic
-No cars, only horses and wagons, maybe a dragon or something
-Roads will be beaten tracks through woods and cobble in towns
-Hunting boars as a labor job
-Hostile beasts outside of city walls
-Small difficult dungeons where groups can get loot every so often

16x16: Small houses, shops and market stall   Can be placed in towns
16x32: normal houses and shopsCan be placed in towns
32x32: big houses and shopsCan be placed in towns
64x64: farmland / mansionCan only be placed outside towns

Notable features:

Any job will be able to carry magic
But the player will first have to be the mage jobs (apprentice, wizard, mage, warlock, arch-mage) to train their magic.
They get exp which increases their mana pool while being in those jobs. This stays while changing jobs
This will mean we will have magic knight police fighting thieves.

Merchants will not be able to sell everything, but will have to learn a trade.
Blacksmiths will only be able to sell swords and shields
Fletchers only sell bows
Magic merchants sell spells (but need to have magic training)
Cooks sell food
Tailors sell clothes
This will mean more variety in shops and less direct competition since 5 shops can live peacefully together in one town, also more RP

The merchants also receive experience in their field.
Fletchers can only sell the default bow first but will be able to upgrade to the compound bow or even the recurved bow.
Blacksmiths can only sell knives first but this will expand into numerous other weapons.
Magic merchants will need to train their magic skills to sell more difficult spells
This will mean there could be a legendary fletcher living in an other town where people will flock towards.

Police would be town guards and spawn with swords and horses.
They will have to keep watch on the town walls for invaders and bandits.
Most battles will be close combat as a sword will be cheaper than getting a magic education and bows shoot slower than an ak47.
This will mean gang fights will be more entertaining and innocent bystanders will be killed less.

Small towns
Towns would consist of 10x size 32 lots, but there would be multiple towns connected with small roads
Some will have stone or wood walls and will be bigger, others will have no walls and be smaller
Outside of towns will also be lots for thieves or brave players
This will mean more exploring

Criminals are thieves and can start a gang to ambush traveling merchants
Outside of the walls, it is a wild land.
Long roads between towns means excellent places to set up shop as a thieves gang as there will be less knights
This will mean more interesting criminal activities

Not a lot of ways to travel
Wagons will be expensive and the roads are filled with thieves
This will mean a taxi service could earn a lot of money

More labor jobs
Jobs like fishing and hunting
You know medieval things
This will mean more variety at start

Drugs could be converted to blood magic.
The mechanics would be the same: place blood altars, collect blood, sell on black market
This will mean less coding required

Mayor could be converted to King
If I can get my hands on one of the CityRPG versions where there is a mayor keeping the economy in check, this job could be the king.
And when a king is dethroned he can get killed by an angry mob.
This will mean less coding required

King's duties
Not only does the king need to upheld the economy, he also gets to decide a couple of things
The tax rate of lots for example, which also correlates to his own income
The lower the tax the less he gets per tick, so the less he can invest into the economy
The higher the tax the better he can manage the economy, but the mob might get angry
This will mean a more dynamic gameplay with the chance of a corrupt king

Kill the corrupt king
Instead of only being able to change kings with democratic vote
What about if a bounty of at least 5000 (which is a lot) is set on his head and a bounty hunter is able to kill him
Also then will a new king be chosen
A lot of small bounties that count up to 5000 will count too
Just imagine sneaking into the castle and avoid all knights to assassinate the king
This will mean the bounty hunter job is actually useful other than to settle a dispute between the rich

Protecting the king
Now the king needs extra protection so his reign doesn't end prematurely
What better choice than the knights!
But to keep them loyal, the king is able to decide their paycheck, which again lowers his own.
And when the king is death, they won't get a paycheck until a new king is chosen
As long as the bounty on he king is high enough, knight will be allowed to kill bounty hunters without getting dems
Only bounty hunters though, so infiltration by pretending to be a merchant or a knight yourself could get you close to the king
This would mean the knights want to protect their king

King organizes Games
The king can organize different games like jousting, an shooting contest, a fighting tournament, ...
Probably just with a couple of evented buttons, the king can make the equipment appear in the castles yard.
It will also have different prices given out by the king.
This would mean different ways to gain money other than just waiting or doing labor.

Able to duel
A duel would mean the 2 fighters wouldn't get dems from attacking or even killing each other.
Only when both parties accept will this work.
It would also need the player to get downed before they die
This would mean it is possible to settle disputes like barfights or to train your skills

Random events
Like a couple of dragons attacking a village, a couple of meteorites, fire from the firemod or even a viking attack
All would of course be limited to the amount of players online.
You don't want a fire breaking out if there is only 1 afk person to stop it.
Brick damage is also not permanent, but it will take a much longer time to regenerate.
This will mean it keeps the gameplay fresh while not doing any permanent damage

A labor job with a huge payout.
The farmer would require to buy a farming lot and place farm ground.
The lots are 64x64, so they won't fit inside towns, their house can be on it though.
Every harvest would give a huge payout.
So farmers will be rich, although they will have to work for it.
This will mean beautiful scenic farmlands around a small farm house

Lot placement
If it is possible to place lots on public mod terrain bricks, then it would be possible to choose your own location for your house outside of town.
In town you still need to align with the grid, but you will have protection of the watch guards and will be close to the service buildings.
This would mean next to the freedom to live among angry monsters, a thieves guild could also buy a lot on top of roads and set up a roadblock.

I'll update this list if I get more ideas.

So is anyone interested in this idea or has a copy of CityRPG I can use?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 11:24:02 AM by honytawk »

I think I can do this.

In my last CityRPG, I experimented with hunting bears and alligators (I really shouldn't have gone THAT far), but it didn't work too well. Now I may be able to do it.

As for magic, I will probably want to use a Skulduggery Pleasant type magic system, so a given person would have to choose a magic discipline like Elemental, Energy Thrower, or, if I can make the code, Wall Walker (Yay for Tanith!).

I'll probably want to make it like someone's newer CityRPG (sorry I don't have a name) where the economy is completely controlled by the players, too. This will lead to the bandits possibly draining the economy, prompting Sir Noble to go hunt them down.

Also, I think that Knights and Watchmen should be different jobs. Knights are warrior things (true, they are used for police sometimes), and Watchmen are really what watch the city walls, unless the kingdom believes that something is about to attack, of course.

Also, I may be able to just do this from scratch (that would be fun...). In my last CRPG, I proved myself adept at modifying Aoki's CRPG mod. I added economy (Though... mostly ripped out from Ty's... don't tell anyone), I added licenses for selling different things, I experimented with hunting, and I even went for multi-city citizenship and military actions. (Neither of the last two worked, though. Again, don't tell anyone...)

So yes, I believe you've found your man. Besides this, and something I forgot to mention earlier, is that years ago, I actually wanted to do a medieval version of the CityRPG.

--I don't know about dragons, though...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 10:10:20 AM by EV0_ »

i have many reasons to believe CRPGs have some sort of plague that stops them from evolving or holding some exceptional qualities but i'd dig it if the final product was well made. the concept itself is already a refreshing breakaway if the mechanics and its players manage to cooperate properly.

This shares a lot of ideas with Rosemarble but I'm not calling it a City RPG. I don't even know what makes a City RPG what they are, to me what you posted just sounds like a fun RPG.

This shares a lot of ideas with Rosemarble but I'm not calling it a City RPG. I don't even know what makes a City RPG what they are, to me what you posted just sounds like a fun RPG.
What would make it a CityRPG is that the map would start empty and the players would buy lots to build their own buildings.
Minus the service buildings and decor of course.

I think I can do this.
I am certainly willing to help.
So toss me a preview of the code and I'd have a base to work on features.

Like, I have this great idea to make the tailor job more interesting.
Previously the tailor could sell 6 different costumes, which was awful and nobody wanted to be one because nobody bought clothes.
If I could make it so they could sell individual clothes, like a red pants or a blue shirt with chainmail print, it would open up to so many possibilities.
They could be designing their own clothesline.
And they could also be selling real armor for higher prices.

I'll start by looking for great brick, weapon, vehicle and armor packs to use.

I'll probably want to make it like someone's newer CityRPG (sorry I don't have a name) where the economy is completely controlled by the players, too. This will lead to the bandits possibly draining the economy, prompting Sir Noble to go hunt them down.
That is indeed the one I meant!
The role of king would lend itself perfectly to the one of mayor.

Also, I think that Knights and Watchmen should be different jobs. Knights are warrior things (true, they are used for police sometimes), and Watchmen are really what watch the city walls, unless the kingdom believes that something is about to attack, of course.
I am thinking in terms of what would be the easiest to modify current CityRPGs in.
Police could easily be transformed into knights is all I am saying.

Also, I may be able to just do this from scratch (that would be fun...).
You could do that, but I don't see a need to recode it if it already partially exist.
The current gameplay just needs a couple of tweaks and it will be quite balanced already.
You could just use it as a base and add new features.

--I don't know about dragons, though...
It would just be awesome to fly around on your dragon after you made enormous amounts of cash.
But I guess it would be a bit unbalanced.

Added a new idea to the board!

Me and Kobewarrior are thinking about working on something like this now, if you wanna be the idea guy go ahead and dump all your ideas in a PM and send it my way

Me and Kobewarrior are thinking about working on something like this now, if you wanna be the idea guy go ahead and dump all your ideas in a PM and send it my way

I rather throw them out here if you don't mind.
That way other people can give input and even add their own ideas

Couple new ideas!

edit: even more!
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 01:56:17 PM by honytawk »