Author Topic: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums  (Read 264659 times)

Added a Nal drama thread to 2015

That Mr.LoL thread really brings back memories

Rustys Forum Self Delete should definitely be here

it's just a bargain bin forum Self Delete

Rustys Forum Self Delete should definitely be here
you are wrong

he just kinda laid on his back and shouted "im dead i killed myself"
thats how much of a Self Delete it was

maaan i wanted some child research or somethin i-i mean uh hhaha just to make it more interesting y'know

maaan i wanted some child research or somethin i-i mean uh hhaha just to make it more interesting y'know
all you got was a midget getting sucked

Racooner dramas rally, GREENBH RETURNS
Low tier drama and i don't think returning users are that note-worthy

Mocheeze was note-worthy because he was a major part of RTB and supposedly died

This is always fun to read through

Not quite sure how I feel about me being in this list