Author Topic: things that people do on the BLF that you hate V2  (Read 16574 times)

Getting banned isn't exactly the end of the world you know.
yea, it's just the end of the world until you're unbanned

yea, it's just the end of the world until you're unbanned
or you pay 10 bucks to get an alt

marked in my past.
now im known as a stupid forumer.....

ill be banned, and everyone will laugh at me.
lol good

When people try to act like SJW's

When people call for first time rule breakers to be perma'd

When people try to act like SJW's

When people call for first time rule breakers to be perma'd

When people get extremely worked up over a bunch of nothing

"stop getting triggered you sensitive sjw scum that's just my opinion pal"

When people get extremely worked up over a bunch of nothing

When people use the statement "Because it's the internet" to justify their behavior.

when people say >getting this mad over x to dismiss a person's anger at a subject because it is of no importance to the dismisser

When people use the statement "Because it's the internet" to justify their behavior.
I used to use this excuse a lot. I made a stuffty commentary on some autistic kid back in early 2015 and I keep on saying "It's the internet I can anything I want."

posting news related stuff on off topic, i understand some people want to start a discussion but if i wanted to read news i would look at my news app or search the internet.

when people say >getting this mad over x to dismiss a person's anger at a subject because it is of no importance to the dismisser
>getting this mad over when people say >getting this mad over