Author Topic: Jitankcigarette Black Lives Matter activists, hi-jacks threads.  (Read 19589 times)

Typical tribal
Typical hypersensitive drama queen imported straight from loving Tumblr where normally you get emotional support through hard times of people making loving jokes.

Why are you so thick? Why can't you see these people are trying to make a simple laugh which doesn't come at the expense of anybody but yourself since you let it?

Typical hypersensitive drama queen imported straight from loving Tumblr where normally you get emotional support through hard times of people making loving jokes.

Why are you so thick? Why can't you see these people are trying to make a simple laugh which doesn't come at the expense of anybody but yourself since you let it?
What if im joking too? I already know what it is so i might as well. Whats your obsession with you an this tumblr?

Jokes are meant to be funny.
Maybe you should take youre own advice boo

jitank you've used the same "LEL U 2" comeback like 6 times please try again

jitank you've used the same "LEL U 2" comeback like 6 times please try again
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Jitank are you just going to constantly be a condescending prick and make dismissive posts everywhere you go because people hurt your wee wittle feewings and called you nasty names?

jitank are you going to keep trying to give yourself a sense of importance just because your genetics turned you into a tar-baby or something

nobody is really concerned with the fact that you're trying to start a movement to give yourself importance on a lego forum
it doesn't matter if you're black or not, you're not more important than other people so stop acting like it

He already uses terms like "melanin" so he's pretty much shows his true colors.

Jitank are you just going to constantly be a condescending prick and make dismissive posts everywhere you go because people hurt your wee wittle feewings and called you nasty names?
Butthurt where? But ofcourse, im the only one being a prick. Everyone else is on their p's an q's

He already uses terms like "melanin" so he's pretty much shows his true colors.
Did you just make a joke

Even with the help from the white man, the white man giving education to africans to this day, there is still very little immigration going on. They can't afford clean water and food, they aren't going to be able to afford traveling to America.

So imagine a world where white people didn't accept black slaves and didn't send the educated slaves back to their homeland. The entire country of africa in 2016 would be no different than it was 500+ years ago. Some parts of africa still have tribes that never seen a white man before, I somehow doubt they will immigrate to America anytime soon.
im more questioning where you got the idea countries sent former slaves back to africa to fix their home countries and that this was a significant step in the countries' development to the state they are in today.

the british and other colonizing countries like portugal settled in african countries way back when to exploit the people there and as a result said countries have more developed governments due to their influence, not because educated slaves were sent back there from america or whatever.

But ofcourse, im the only one being a prick.

"I'm a prick because I'm black and no one understands. Everyone is out to get me"

Butthurt where? But ofcourse, im the only one being a prick. Everyone else is on their p's an q's

I'm not calling the others pricks because they are not going around making stuffty posts that are only to bait and dismiss arguments.