Author Topic: Jitankcigarette Black Lives Matter activists, hi-jacks threads.  (Read 19591 times)

If he was some "suicidal" guy he would have just Self Delete bombed the club instead of shooting it.

In reality if we never accepted African slaves you would be in africa right now collecting aids and dying of starvation.
Are you stupid? I'm pretty sure in life there is something called immigration. Also some parts of Africa are some-what modern, and so that doesn't mean that he would be dying from poverty.

Are you stupid? I'm pretty sure in life there is something called immigration. Also some parts of Africa are some-what modern, and so that doesn't mean that he would be dying from poverty.
what. what does any of this have to do with what he said.

holy forget this drama is fast
really i just find it sort of annoying how every single one of his posts is something about blacks and whites, or racism and whatnot

the brockrand show should get lord tony and jitank to tribal it out in a live debate

the brockrand show should get lord tony and jitank to tribal it out in a live debate
I would pay good money to watch that

He thinks being black means he is more oppressed than gay people.

I'm sorry you're oppressed, tony. Do you want to talk about it?

Are you stupid? I'm pretty sure in life there is something called immigration.

Without slavery Africa would have very little immigration. Most africans are too poor to travel.

Also some parts of Africa are some-what modern, and so that doesn't mean that he would be dying from poverty.

The only reason some parts of Africa are "some-what modern" is because the white man sent some slaves back to their home country. These slaves used what they learned from America and put it to use in Africa.

So without the slave trade in general Africa would still be a tribal only continent and America would have about less than 1% of blacks in their population pool.

Without slavery Africa would have very little immigration. Most africans are too poor to travel.

The only reason some parts of Africa are "some-what modern" is because the white man sent some slaves back to their home country. These slaves used what they learned from America and put it to use in Africa.

So without the slave trade in general Africa would still be a tribal only continent and America would have about less than 1% of blacks in their population pool.
where the hell do you get this from
sorry i don't normally make offhand posts like this but im legitimately curious who or what gave you this understanding of history

where the hell do you get this from
sorry i don't normally make offhand posts like this but im legitimately curious who or what gave you this understanding of history
I guess because black people need white people's assistance with education and critical thinking related things

where the hell do you get this from
sorry i don't normally make offhand posts like this but im legitimately curious who or what gave you this understanding of history

Even with the help from the white man, the white man giving education to africans to this day, there is still very little immigration going on. They can't afford clean water and food, they aren't going to be able to afford traveling to America.

So imagine a world where white people didn't accept black slaves and didn't send the educated slaves back to their homeland. The entire country of africa in 2016 would be no different than it was 500+ years ago. Some parts of africa still have tribes that never seen a white man before, I somehow doubt they will immigrate to America anytime soon.

When you realize you dont have a good clapback

When you stuffty grammer is better than their logic

Im going to keep using my slang thankyou

lmfao delete and block

Yo stop the acid trips, youre imagining unreal events.