Author Topic: Re: 🌁 🏢 🌆 Floating City Freebuild III | Thanks for coming! 🌆 🏢 🌁  (Read 8109 times)

Thanks for coming!

Floating city is back for its 3rd annual event! This summers soon to come to an end but what better than to wrap it up with a nice classic themed freebuild.

I would have hosted this a LOT sooner but I had no way to get a dedicated server until now.

Same as last year, here are the building regulations.


Do not take up too much space you do not need. I recommend using a 16x16.



When you don't align your builds, it causes problems with small empty spaces that are not big enough to build in. The alignment grid is 8x8 studs


Stick out

A lot of builds have details that extend from their baseplates. This is fine as long as it sticks out over the walkways only. This can cause problems with people who want to build next to you. So please do not let roofs/windows/etc. stick out over empty lots.


Music bricks have a pretty large range compared to the size of Floating City. It can cause problems when there are 5 music bricks going off at the same time. Please add events to your music bricks so people can turn off your music while you are not there. If you do not know how to do this please ask. The same thing goes with sounds. Do not spam loud sounds or allow people to spam loud sounds.


Remember that I can remove your build or clear all of your bricks for any reason that I feel is necessary to.

What's ?

Well for one, the layout is definitely new

And finally, rules.

Build along the road grid. This seems to be the rule that nobody gets and they like boo hoo when i delete their stuff

Build kinda small i'm talkin' like between 32x (dont) to 16x even 8x. Were limited in space here you wanna have some room for neighbors

Don't Spam. Because everything is floating its not exactly easy to clear spam so if you do spam on my server expect all of your bricks to be cleared. Like.. all of them.

I got lots of events guys so please don't abuse them. I mean i'm a man who loves events they're nice but don't be that bad apple for everyone else you know. Also i'm not dumb, I know how events work and I know how to get rid of them and i'll sure 'nuff catch you doin it and you wont come back

Dont build on the ground guys that kinda goes with the first rule anyways

Try not to annoy me like its not that easy to. I'm just sayin a lot of you can be really dum so keep it cool man it's and it'll all be good in the hood ;) ;)

I wanna try to get the server started this Thursday (August 4) but if I don't its because im virtually not allowed to make plans for stuff like this irl ;(
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 02:27:05 AM by Trogtor »

do we still have to re-dup floating bricks after a save?

do we still have to re-dup floating bricks after a save?
absolutely not. (im 99.9999% positive)

i have high hopes for this

three cheers for more floating cities

when server starts root beer floats on me

This is gonna be in the air.

i have high hopes for this

dont get your head in the clouds just yet

This is gonna be in the air.
three cheers for more floating cities

you guys arent even trying

what happened to mud man heli

what happened to mud man heli
i still got him i just couldn't use him in the picture


On topic, this looks pretty cool. Might actually launch up Blockland again to play this lol.