Author Topic: Clinton body count.  (Read 6864 times)

No one's forcing anything. They can seek refuge elsewhere; the United States doesn't have to do jack stuff.
yes you're right. What the united states has to do is occupy their land for over 30 years. The US has to kill innocent civilians with drone strikes. The US has to install puppet governments in their cities and take all their oil. The US definitely has to separate families and make people more vulnerable to recruitment by terrorist organizations like CIA and al qaeda

But, the united states doesn't have to help those people. Its the refugees problem, after all.

Quick question. Would you rather:
- save 500,000 refugees from death in the middle east at the expense of 80 of your women being raped
- send 500,000 refugees to be enslaved or decapitated by extremists in the middle east

Are you asking me if I would put my mother, my sister and my girlfriend at risk of rape to 'rescue' a bunch of strangers from a war I didn't vote for? It's sad that we've even come to the conclusion that it's one or the other.

If we had the infrastructure we should build "gated communities" or camps for them to work in. A halfway point between the middle east (which they can return to at anytime) and compromising national security. Let the experts evaluate them and allow them to seek new beginnings in America when they are convinced that they can successfully adapt to western life. I'd help you build the damn camp. But no, it's reckless and stupid to allow people from a bunch of stuffty failed states into your country without proper screening and cultural readjustment. You take care of the needs of your own before you take care of the needs of others.

yes you're right. What the united states has to do is occupy their land for over 30 years. The US has to kill innocent civilians with drone strikes. The US has to install puppet governments in their cities and take all their oil. The US definitely has to separate families and make people more vulnerable to recruitment by terrorist organizations like CIA and al qaeda

But, the united states doesn't have to help those people. Its the refugees problem, after all.

Do you really want people who hate America, for the exact reasons you just mentioned, to have free access to America? How does that benefit your fellow Americans? The 'right' thing isn't always the smart thing.

Lol if she tried to unionize Jefferson Airplane then touting it wouldn't be worried about. But nah cheese doodles.

Tony News has become the new cnn

tony please use this in your future "news" topics

[i mg width=500][/img]

tony please use this in your future "news" topics
oh my god lol


tony please use this in your future "news" topics
you're a god
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 10:20:54 AM by PhantOS »


tony please use this in your future "news" topics


I personally wanted Carson
whoa something we both agree on?

then again he later endorsed Annoying Orange, didn't he?

I personally wanted Carson
whoa something we both agree on?

then again he later endorsed Annoying Orange, didn't he?
why did you guys support carson? I personally thought he was a total buffoon

why did you guys support carson? I personally thought he was a total buffoon

carson was def the dumbest candidate. lmao his healthcare idea was so bad lol

Quick question. Would you rather:

- save 500,000 refugees from death in the middle east at the expense of 80 of your women being raped


- send 500,000 refugees to be enslaved or decapitated by extremists in the middle east
the latter.  Because it's not my loving problem and it's not my fault the Middle East is so forgeted up.  The forgetery in the ME is caused by cousin-loving sharia supporting Muslims so why should we have to pay for it

the latter.  Because it's not my loving problem and it's not my fault the Middle East is so forgeted up.  The forgetery in the ME is caused by cousin-loving sharia supporting Muslims so why should we have to pay for it
because, although you didn't directly cause the problem, the United States did. You advocate for the US in your opinion and it becomes your problem

and we're goat forgeters, not cousin forgeters. get the facts straight

Path you gave us two options, yet you're going way out of your way to enforce the first option instead of the second

Next time don't give us two options if you're just going to use it as a baiting method to bash other's opinions.

Path you gave us two options, yet you're going way out of your way to enforce the first option instead of the second

Next time don't give us two options if you're just going to use it as a baiting method to bash other's opinions.
it wasn't bait. The latter option is objectively immoral and 'not my problem' or 'all Muslims are evil' is a terrible justification for said opinion.

I have no problem with people who want the us to be Muslim free. It's their choice and nothing can be done to dissuade them