Author Topic: How do you take your pills?  (Read 2533 times)

How do you take your pills? Do you wash it down with water, go without water, chew it, take it brown townly, or what?

I chew my pills because I always gag when trying to wash it down, it happens no matter what. But hey, tbh they don't taste too bad. (except those gel pills, jesus christ)


i swallow them with water

i have to use water because you're not supposed to chew a lot of pills


also boys please dont swallow them without water because some pills can cause a chemical burn if you do it without

I grind them and snort them up to get max benefits

Like a normal person, brown townly with water.

with water

dry I almost die

i have crippling depression, so i open the container and dump them all in my mouth as i wait for my death

how the forget does anyone chew pills they taste loving disgusting

i have crippling depression, so i open the container and dump them all in my mouth as i wait for my death
haha XD