Author Topic: How do you take your pills?  (Read 2374 times)

alex trebek is possibly the most famous game show host of all time
how do you not know who he is

i knew that jeapordy's latest host looked exactly like alex trebek, i just didn't know his name

my mom has to hide them in treats for me to eat them

my mom has to hide them in treats for me to eat them

well then

Always with liquid, usually one at a time.

i insert them into my ears and they soak into my brains
with water

like a normal person with water

I open the bottle and swallow them all at once without water.

you aren't supposed to chew like 80% of pills, it releases too much of the stuff at once and it can forget you up.
It's also because the pill has been engineered to release in a certain part of your digestion tract. If you chew it certain pills you won't get the medication.

i pour water in my mouth and the drop the pill in and then swallow

it depends on the pill wtf
some melt under your tongue, some you swallow, some you chew

it's how they're built you knobs

I wash my Ritalin down with 2 shots of Vodka

mucinex tastes loving terrible, i shotgun that stuff

I literally just swallow it, I have no problem with or without water.

it depends
ibuprofen and naproxen I can swallow without water, sometimes acetaminophen, but with most anything else I need water to do it, and even if I don't need it I still prefer it with water