Author Topic: Is Fallout 4 still worth getting?  (Read 3988 times)

worth getting because richarding around with silly mods
plus the game's fun af

It's a step up in some regards and a step down in others. I'd say get it on sale.

It's worth getting, IMO. There's plenty to do and explore. The DLC are quite fun.
If you like base-building then you may find you spend hours and hours doing just that. You may also be interested in replaying the story in new ways too. There's more choice to the story than in FO3 or Skyrim, but less than NV.

The game runs pretty well, with what I would consider to be a fairly minimal amount of bugs/glitches, for a Bethesda game at least.
Mods will also bring you a fair amount of extra options.

It's worth getting at a discount at any rate, especially if you get the season pass too.

i have 2 play-throughs with 250+ hours and counting. the main story sucks but i definitely recommend it

I would wait until all of the dlc and main game are bundled and are at a lower price. A lot of the DLC can really improve the main game depending how you play.
This. IMO the DLC are pretty crap, but I digress.

OT: I haven't seen you on here in forever.

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« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 09:11:07 PM by Badspot »

hey remember that time badspot banned someone for spoiling the end of something

1. how are battlefield and planetside relevant
2. this statement is false, if you're the least bit competent you should be getting bare minimum 5 certs a minute or 300 an hour.

1. he'd be better off not wasting his money
2. why waste time getting certs when for $20 you can buy all the guns you'd ever want

hey remember that time badspot banned someone for spoiling the end of something
come on everybody knows the ending of fallout 4 at this point

come on everybody knows the ending of fallout 4 at this point
Uh, probably not the OP, given that he's asking if he should buy it or not.
And besides, there's no length of time when it becomes acceptable to knowingly spoil something for someone who hasn't experienced it yet.

And besides, there's no length of time when it becomes acceptable to knowingly spoil something for someone who hasn't experienced it yet.
I haven't played a lot of old games and movies and I still desire to not be spoiled.

imo pretty much all bethesda games get better the longer they're out because of modding. the vanilla game was okay, but if you mod it to the way you want it could be way better.

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you deserved that

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good riddance

i didn't get fallout 4 because i didn't meet the requirements but you should try it out

its like half the play content of skyrim. would be worth a steam sale.