Author Topic: Montreal ban on Pitbulls  (Read 1402 times)

This is loving bullstuff. The ban is because someone was attacked by a pitbull and lost their life, but this ban affects all pitbulls or dogs that resemble them.

Exhibit A of far-left government regulation gone nuts

reminds me of the handicapped bans on large sodas and such in places like NYC

The problem with dogs is on the other side of the leash. There's a pitbull in the kiosk across from my school and the dog is sweet as hell. He greets every person that goes in and naps on a cushion. It's how you train them.

The better option would have been to crack down on bad animal handling and impound / euthanize any animals with overtly violent or extreme antisocial behavior regardless of the breed, and encourage people to proactively train their pets better. No matter which way you spin it, there isn't enough evidence to suggest that pitbulls are inherently more dangerous than any other breed.

thank to the loving sensationalists news that made almost everyone paranoid/scared of pitbulls

forget you tva news

at the beginning of the year they started making tons of news about dog attacks and every single one of them involved a pitbull

« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 11:50:55 AM by 77x5ghost2 »

There should be regulation imposed on pit-bull owners instead, if you're not competent enough to train and take care of them properly, you shouldn't be able to own one. Banning an entire type of dog is ridiculous

There should be regulation imposed on pit-bull owners instead, if you're not competent enough to train and take care of them properly, you shouldn't be able to own one.

This 100%. Should be some sort of fine and/or sentence for loving up owning a dog so much that the dog loving kills people.

This is just what happens after the media are idiots.


honestly I just want pet owners to train their pets better

I don't like when I go outside to ride my bike when a dog owner with three dogs, none on leashes comes turning a tight corner and I have to swerve into a wall, almost, just to make sure I don't hit the dogs when they come running after me.

The woman who was attacked might have not even been attacked by a pitbull, could have been another breed according to reports.

Montreal pet shelters have to euthanize hundreds of pitbulls. Nice job montreal for death sentencing thousands of dogs.

i do not support the ban but there is very good reason for it, seeing as pitbulls were bred for fighting and are pretty dangerous when not raised properly.

Exhibit A of far-left government regulation gone nuts

reminds me of the handicapped bans on large sodas and such in places like NYC
This is not "far-left government regulation." This is a classic politician trick that's been going on for hundreds of years, equally in both sides of the political spectrum, called "Play into your voter bases irrational fears with stupid legislation to make you look better." It's done all over the place.

Any breed is dangerous when not trained properly. Of course without taking into accout obvious stupid breeds like the chihuahua and the yorkshire terrier and other tiny dogs.