Author Topic: yo what's up with this "Killer clown" Bullstuff  (Read 6409 times)

C A L L  T H E  S H U T T L E

Chances are it's because of the huge "clown uprising" throughout the states. iirc a bunch of people dressed as clowns are appearing and doing a forgetton of stuff from mere intimidation and creepiness to kidnapping. That's just what I heard tho so it might not be true.

have you ever thought to yourself, "how can I forget with a ton of gullible high schoolers"

exhibit a) take advantage of stupid trend
exhibit b) profit

I'd be careful, I don't think they're clowning around.

I wonder when genuine psychopaths bandwagon this and ruin the fun by actually killing people.

I wonder when genuine psychopaths bandwagon this and ruin the fun by actually killing people.

im pretty sure this either started out as a viral marketing stunt or a few dorks trying to scare people and now everyone else is jumping on the bandwagon, maybe including a few legit psychos but we're yet to see

the fad's also spreading down to central, too, people trying to scare others in oklahoma and texas now, since my local news ended up talking about a reported sighting

im 90% sure the first clown related shooting is going to be in texas or oklahoma

It's getting out of hand. Everyone at my school is so worked up about it.

Edit: a word
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 11:02:39 AM by JBlitz404 »

The emergency escape shuttle has been called, it will arrive in 10 minutes
Reason: Clowns are loving everything up and all of the security is dead

EDIT: It was just mentioned over the intercom about a vague threat, fun.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 11:20:33 AM by startacker »

I actually want to see what happens if someone kills one of these clowns with a gun

"THE CLOWNS ARE COMING" is an obnoxious school meme at this point
it stopped being funny the hundredth time someone said it out of the blue