tingalz, you can just have automatic updates without the hassle by uploading your addon to Blockland Glass and having the addon distributed there. It automatically sets up the addons to have support updater and you can push updates through BLG.
I loved using this set back then, going to look at the updates.I wouldn't see why not make a thread though. Some people don't use the updater.
you can still update the thread download; just those with support updater will automatically get pushed through glass.
See swollow's addon threads as an example. She hosts her own addons though so she's not using BLG.
Doesn't Glass have its own version of Support_Updater? Last time I checked, it does.
Swollow was female?
Not sure if it's intentional but the Stub Gun makes players fly when hit.
*inquisiatorial moan*The laser guns don't work as intended.They shoot a beam out of the sky, not the barell.
also only heretics use support updater