Author Topic: how do we get players back to BL  (Read 8746 times)

it doesn't need more players
actually it kind of does its not fun when the server list has only 3 populated serves

It kind of does need more players. One of the biggest reasons I ever stop developing something is because I see many other things people developed sitting at 0-1 players all the time.

one idea is official static shape map support - map making using static shapes could become a new avenue for modders to take if they want to make their own maps, and it would help offset the lack of base content to play with or explore. i'm sure a bunch of us want to make maps for the game, but building takes a while and not everyone's computer can support massive builds, while it seems most computers can support a bunch of non-moving static shapes, even when doing shaders.
I was wondering if it's possible convert maps into chunks that become bricks with textures over them.
Yeah it sounds dumb and iirc the poly limit is like 100 polys or something, but hey if it's possible it's worth a shot.

Make a server that's not crap, then watch the players come reeling in.

actually it kind of does its not fun when the server list has only 3 populated serves

Absolutely. The people who live in denile that "Blockland isn't empty" must only ever spend there time on the forums and circle jerk to outdated screenshots.

We have on average, 3 servers that break the 5 or more player mark.

Medievil RPG
JailBreak/Jail RP/Prison Escape/Prison Rp
Mini-Game of the month

See a problem here? All RP Mini-game Servers.
We need more

Building-based games/challenges (actually Building, not pre-made builds)
Death matches
Event-Based Games/Challenges (Actually Eventing, not pre-made events)
Monthly Event Servers. (A great example of this is the upcoming Christmas DM someone is making)

Blockland isn't Garry's mod, and those who are trying to model Blockland after GMOD are going to drive people away.
Blockland is a Lego-based Sandbox game, with noob-friendly coding material.

We can do so much more than what we see.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 08:07:26 PM by Master Matthew² »


honestly though ppl mostly find fun out of multiplayer
its less the content of the server and more chatting and playing with others. the continued success (?) of tezunis and crowns  demonstrates this - the gameplay on both are pretty simplistic, and thus allow for lots of chatting, and the gameplay sometimes even brings up outside topics to discuss/joke over/whatever
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 07:45:02 PM by Conan »

Make a server that's not crap, then watch the players come reeling in.

Too bad that's not the case anymore. Maybe 3 years ago.

Make a server that's not crap, then watch the players come reeling in.

More like:
Make a server that's absolute stuff/Easy as forget, Then watch the players come bahhing in.

I think something that needs to be done to get new players here and keep them is to fix the problem of not having the requirements to host a server
yeah I'm talking about hosting services somewhat but mostly I'm just talking about a base system that is free for everyone
I'm no economics major but the amount of alts people buy on this site could help pay for it

this is one of my less confident ideas so I won't debate you on it if you think it's impossible
but having something like this would definitely help with content creation/player retention

Personally I'd love to put some time into making something nice for BL but a few reasons I can't is due to a lack of interest (though I still love to mess in SP) and mainly school bogging me down 24/7 and life going a bit nuts right now.

I had ideas for some very unique or fun stuff for the game like multiplayer Sven Coop like stuff, cinematic death match servers (wanted to do something akin to the first level of Wolfenstien:TNO) kart racing, PvE players vs bots modes, bank robbing servers with players as cops and robbers having getaway drives, melee only arena style DMs, Old school styled death matches like Quake, and some single player saves, among other stuff.

Another reason I don't go far with these ideas is because I can't stay very committed to a project, I usually have a save but never really come back to it.

I think we do have alot of talented players here with either great building skills, creative ideas, and amazing scripting knowledge even with the engine's limitations. But we just need to flood the multiplayer with it, I know DMs are popular and will always be, but why not at least change those up in some way to start? Building is also a factor in BL so why not utilize the Prop Mod and incorporate it? We've also got some very fun vehicles to drive and the game runs very well so dog fighting and battlefield like games would be great.

On the less DM side, we've got a game that allows us to do alot within our limitations, we can make some very very cool stuff with events and custom addons when you really put your mind to it.

I think a good idea would also to be to update the Modding Scene with updated tutorials and make them much easier to understand with aspiring modders, this stuff has halted some mod projects in the past which community members really seemed sad to see go.

Also one more final note, we need better tutorials for Events! I have no clue whats going on half the time but they can do amazing stuff if you know what you're doing maybe even a wiki too considering theres stuff in there without any explanation.

We should make a youtube vid with filipe to advetise it for steam i was planning on making a insta for blockland and use it for trailers of big servers that will come around. If that was succesful then it would be like its golden years in 2009-2012