Author Topic: Multiplayer games that need more players!  (Read 3726 times)

Looking for a good game? Try these! They need more players and they're pretty good!
Includes max playercounts per match, average number of players online if avaliable, and how the bots act if there are any.

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball:
An FPS where you throw instakill dodgeballs at eachother and catch them. Excellent arcade mode as well. Also has a great announcer. MID-AIR CATCH! GODLIKE! YOU'RE ON FIRE!
0-20 players online (12-player max in a match). Bots are intelligent, but are restricted from doing certain things or to doing them only so often at lower difficulties.

You know this one. Try playing it once in a while, eh?
50-150 players online. Bots vary based on addons installed.

Not a well-known game, this is a six-degrees-of-freedom shooter with a campaign in co-op and singleplayer and in varying difficulties and a pretty standard 4-10(?) player VS mode. It also has time trials, of all things.

0 players online. 2 players max in co-op, 4-10 players in versus. No bots in co-op. Unknown whether there are bots in VS.

Suggestions to put on the list are welcome.


Everyone is part of the crew in a submarine underwater in the seas of the new inhabited planet and they have to accomplish some sort of mission each time - transfering cargo to the destination, shooting down a monster and then going to the destination, or carrying an artifact from an underwater alien base then going to the destination.

Heavily inspired by Space Station 13.

Max per 'match' can be 16, 1-2 servers usually available (including an unofficial 24/7 server) and average 6-ish players online. Bots only available in singleplayer, spawnable in multiplayer but they can't get ordered there. Bots' intelligence is so-and-so and gets orders to do various jobs on the ship.

ah yes robot roller-derby disco dodgeball is fun as heck even just against ai i even made a topic on it once
but i slowly kinda lost interest in the game since the last few updates i guess i just didn't agree with some of the things the dev did but it's still a fun game

robot roller-derby disco dodgeball
mean greens

Super Monday Night Combat.
Easily the most fun MoBA out there. However, it died when the developers stopped updating it.

Super Monday Night Combat.
Easily the most fun MoBA out there. However, it died when the developers stopped updating it.
And new players can't get into it because their 'pro teammates' will afk if they die twice.

Tower Unite

The successor to GMod Tower. Currently in Early Access, it lacks a lot of content compared to its forefather in its current state but it's getting there.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 10:27:24 PM by AtlasBlue »

Dino d-day

that game is fun as forget and its cheaper than cocaine cut with baby powder

DOOM 3 BFG edition

Seriously, i cant find anyone to play online