Rebates are a pain in the butt and not always worth the hassle and uncertainty of getting them. Also, why in the world would you get a B150 chipset motherboard? True, it is a little cheaper, but you give up performance and flexibility. FWIW, here is my build I did recently, I based it on a good balance between budget and performance. This build kicks butt, has easily run every game I throw at it (including AAA titles) better than 60FPS. Base total is $1030.
Also, if the OP is lucky enough to live near a Micro Center the processor can be had for $179.99 and the motherboard for $99.99 if bought together there. That's where I got mine and that brings the base price down to $939.62 for the whole build. Heck of a deal. Note on the motherboard if bought from MC, it's called a Z170-AR there, the only difference between the two is that the AR doesn't have VGA out for the integrated graphics, but since you're using a dedicated card it's a moot point.