
What is your favorite Linux Distro?

Ubuntu derivative/Mint, Elementary
Debian derivative (other than Ubuntu)
Arch derivative (Manjaro)
Other (Please specify)
Linux is for illegal hackers

Author Topic: Favorite Linux Distros?  (Read 5932 times)

no correlation
correlation: he doesn't have the hard drive space to justify partitioning it up between two operating systems, therefore linux is infeasible because he is unwilling to switch fully

downloaded and played Pingus, it is a good game with level creator too!
Download Yours!
fun fact; rockstar north, the same guys who make the GTA series, made the original lemmings.

Should I just turn this into a Linux thread?

I don't really understand a damn thing about Linux
I did use Ubuntu for a while mainly because I heard its one of the most user friendly and based off Debian which is used alot
I also managed to install Arch once and set up an actual desktop but I had to follow a guide for it
Beyond that, I don't have any experience

I also managed to install Arch once and set up an actual desktop but I had to follow a guide for it
most people who try arch can't even do this, if it makes you feel any better

arch w/ i3wm + this for ricing

most people who try arch can't even do this, if it makes you feel any better


yeah, my plans for the future is to use arch once i get enough experience to understand the workings behind it
mainly because its very customizable
to me its kinda like debian except barebones with only what you need installed in the initial installation making it very compact

i once tried installing mint on a vm
i couldnt even loving install steam

i once tried installing mint on a vm
i couldnt even loving install steam
I've gotta hand it to valve, they did an exceptionally poor job trying to make the linux steam installation process hassle-free.

I've gotta hand it to valve, they did an exceptionally poor job trying to make the linux steam installation process hassle-free.




i just sudo apt-get install steam'd
and before it was in the repo I just used the deb

'sudo apt-get install' best command

its actually two (◡‿◡✿)

Like the good old Ubuntu.

Let's not forget that you have to at the very minimum enable the non-free repository to see it in the Ubuntu Software Center or APT. If you're still using the default nouveau graphics drivers instead of ones specifically for your hardware, steam won't boot and will just give you a very cryptic error that doesn't really point to the issue being drivers.

If you're unfortunate enough to not have been using Ubuntu, it sure is a lot of fun to have to set up multiarch because steam is distributed solely as 32-bit.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 12:00:09 AM by Pecon »