Author Topic: chakada  (Read 8059 times)

this dude used to be cool. when i joined discord, The Real Nigz aka Meatsale's server was one of the first servers I joined. Recently, it seems chakada has been getting aggressive towards people like Chill, WALDO, Meatsale and Razer and a few more. Even at some points calling me names and stuff I didn't appreciate. Last week or so, chakada decided to abuse his admin on The Real Nigz, and he gave admin to me and Ragref and he told us to kick everyone, so like the fools we were, we did it. He then said he needed a new discord to go to, so i invited him to The Brown Blockland Boys. He seemed pretty chill. He was usually the only one in voice most of the time, some times i joined and we talked and played TF2 or whatever. There was a point in which he began getting pissy at Ragref and myself. A few days ago i added the beemo bot into my discord, and i'd play some music and he'd get angry and move me and the bot and anyone else who was in the voice channel around and he blamed it on Ragref once or twice. I didn't believe him. He even made a GIF of it and put it into the discord. Today, when I was gone, Ragref, chakada and Stealthy Jenna were in the voice chat, so i joined and instantly ragref pm'd me and he said chakada deleted the bot. I instantly confronted him and said i had logs to see if that'd make him admit, but it didn't and i turned out looking like a moron. in the conversation he began calling me and ragref toxic because i was asking him why he banned the bot and he kept getting angry and he said i 'was sucking ragref's richard'.

anyways, did i handle it the right way and will you /support?

1) you were all for the destruction of real nigz
2) ragref was spamming (mic and steam pm) and I did not ban the bot
You even said you had logs that I did ban the bot, then later said you didn't have logs lol
you see, when you have no evidence of me doing something, then claim I am lying, just shows blatant hypocrisy
No I was not getting angry, nobody was, plus neither of us knew who banned the bot but for some reason you blamed me.

Also, you did not invite me to the brown baker's discord, I was there at the start
So many misguided facts and flaws in that jumbled, poorly organized, massive wall of text.

You claimed to be a mediator by saying "I'm just asking questions" but you were being a hypocrite by denying everything I said without any plausible evidence to back yourself up, whilst I had a ton to support my side of the argument
It's as if you didn't even read what I had to say, you just made conclusions and didn't want to be wrong

Lastly, taking a discord issue here is beyond me, I don't see what this has to do with blockland in any way

whats happening in here? uwu

1) you were all for the destruction of real nigz
2) ragref was spamming (mic and steam pm) and I did not ban the bot
You even said you had logs that I did ban the bot, then later said you didn't have logs lol
you see, when you have no evidence of me doing something, then claim I am lying, just shows blatant hypocrisy
No I was not getting angry, nobody was, plus neither of us knew who banned the bot but for some reason you blamed me.

Also, you did not invite me to the brown baker's discord, I was there at the start
So many misguided facts and flaws in that jumbled, poorly organized, massive wall of text.
you aren't addressing the fact you are toxic. that is the point of the drama

is discord drama considered blf drama?

is discord drama considered blf drama?
i feel that this reflects on him as a whole. he changed 0 - 100 real quick and i think it should atleast be addressed and kept in mind

Ragref mic spammed the living hell out of me and you joined in saying nothing that I deleted your bot (which you could easily just make it rejoin) without any proof. No I am not toxic and this has nothing to deal with blockland
I have evidence to back myself up, but you do not
PLUS, you consider me toxic while you spammed a picture of tills all over a different discord (again, more hypocrisy)

Accuses someone of being toxic yet joins a blockland server just to harrass someone and post pictures of their real life identity that they wanted to keep private.

Ragref mic spammed the living hell out of me and you joined in saying nothing that I deleted your bot (which you could easily just make it rejoin) without any proof. No I am not toxic and this has nothing to deal with blockland
I have evidence to back myself up, but you do not
PLUS, you consider me toxic while you spammed a picture of tills all over a different discord (again, more hypocrisy)
posting a picture is nothing compared to peer pressuring others to delete a discord server just because you were angry buddy

You weren't even there when we even did it, plus you were all for it so don't act like I manipulated you because you didn't do stuff in the first place lol
Also exposing some one's identity over a large discord is toxic in case you didn't know

posting a picture is nothing compared to peer pressuring others to delete a discord server just because you were angry buddy
I'm pretty sure purposefully spamming a person's picture everywhere with the intent to expose their identity and for other users to mock and harass them over it is actually much worse than a loving server lolwtf

You weren't even there when we even did it, plus you were all for it so don't act like I manipulated you because you didn't do stuff in the first place lol
Also exposing some one's identity over a large discord is toxic in case you didn't know
are you serious? jiggee came in because you did it aswell. i was also there when you trashed meatsale's server lets not play dumb here.

No I didn't
plus, again, you encouraged it, yet took no part in it, but you call peer pressure. funny.

No I didn't
plus, again, you encouraged it, yet took no part in it, but you call peer pressure. funny.
then tell me why jiggy came in to begin with? also, you gave me and ragref admin to kick everyone out