Author Topic: [1878] Sid Jairo's Europa Forumalis: Course of Empire - A CHINA DIVIDED!  (Read 54757 times)

bavaria, already a friend-in-arms with austria, warmly accepts their push for diplomatic contact. some southern germanic minors open up as well due to bavaria's insistence.


the russian invasion of central asia is cleaning up nicely as the defending khanates request a peace conference with the tsar


following the election of abraham lincoln, south carolina state legislature has called a convention to discuss secession


the ottoman empire has reached out to persia, requesting an alliance

the russian invasion of central asia is cleaning up nicely as the defending khanates request a peace conference with the tsar

full annexation is demanded

success in the invasion of turkestan is used in propaganda to justify conscription jumping to 1.5%

following the election of abraham lincoln, south carolina state legislature has called a convention to discuss secession

The United States offers trade to all European countries as well as Japan and Korea.
yes yes, trade with everyone.

The Crittenden Compromise and the Corwin Amendment are introduced to the House and Senate but neither strikes an even ground between the North and South. Conflict is inevitable.

wow start without me

Prussian diplomats arrive in Mecklenburg-Schwerin to discuss formal relations. Prussian traders show interest in Italian markets and goods. Hey Russia :>

Military stronk? More stronk. Deus vult. The Prussian government founds a military academy in its capital, Berlin. Sons of military officers are expected to enlist and a lottery is completed to select individuals from the lower social classes. Military strategy and "applied" education methods are valued, in order to train teenagers to become officers of the Prussian military. Glorifying this academy hopefully leads to more confidence in a standing military.

trade with me whenever us of a
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 12:43:48 AM by Swat 3 »

the russian war machine advances into afghanistan at full speed, leaving behind only occupying forces while provisional governments are replaced in the new territories of inner asia

the russian war machine advances into afghanistan at full speed, leaving behind only occupying forces while provisional governments are replaced in the new territories of inner asia
woah now HOLD ON we can talk about this

After being in decline for a fairly long time, the Spanish government begins to think of new ways to expand their influence and holdings.
Propaganda campaigns that push for invasion of Morocco and for possible reconquest of old spanish colonies are spread around the country.

Preparing for war, conscription raises and the current military undergoes training sessions. Factories and ships begin construction, and military supplies are built.

We accept the Ottoman's request for an alliance.

Invest some more money into the now extended Russian border.

Argentina increases conscription to 2% and invests in new infrastructure around Buenos Aires.
the brazilian people, alarmed at argentina's sudden mobilization, urges their government to take precautionary steps to avoid conflict

OT: Push harder in China with the aid of Britian.
the second opium war is beginning to draw to a close not because of chinese lack of manpower, but lack of morale. the inferior chinese military sends its grievances to the emperor to negotiate peace at his earliest convenience, lest they surrender themselves

We are also open to improved relations with Sweden, as well as increased trade with foreign nations.
sweden entertains the british envoys, sending their regards for a peaceable relationship

Persia begins to fund infrastructure and fortification building into the Russian border.
with the russian menace having conquered the steppes and now invading afghanistan, the persian people are eager to defend their country and so await a raise in conscription

full annexation is demanded

success in the invasion of turkestan is used in propaganda to justify conscription jumping to 1.5%
the steppe coalition grimly accepts the russian peace terms as garrison forces move in to assume control. the russian people rejoice at the victory, and happily accept the raise in conscription

Prussian diplomats arrive in Mecklenburg-Schwerin to discuss formal relations.
the northern germanic minors are very impressed with prussia's unassailable military might, desiring some form of leased protection

the russian war machine advances into afghanistan at full speed, leaving behind only occupying forces while provisional governments are replaced in the new territories of inner asia
afghanistan prepares its defenses and appeals to some outside power to aid in its defense.

with a probable russian occupation of afghanistan, the british people become very concerned of them threatening the crown jewel itself and so petition the government to respond.


the governor of south carolina has demanded the immediate resignation of abraham lincoln

United Mexican States
constitutional and federal republic-bound presidency under Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada

allies; United States of America
trading/friendly; Brazil, United States of America
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 12:52:57 AM by mattsos »

la reforma; year 1861

After the last major battle, the Battle of Silao, the Liberal forces finally push the conservatives back into their hiding holes. The redundant rebels are executed, and the last remaining guerilla are also executed in the coming months, while some are given amnesty.

Juárez’s interim presidency is confirmed by his election in March 1861, and now reconstruction must begin. The response to warring factions begins, trying to 'calm them down.'

debt (also incoming French intervention)

When the British, French, and Spanish arrive in ports historically during the 8th of December, they are only paid the least amount possible as most money is expenditure to reforming the country.

prussia glares at russia and then smiles innocently, waving its sword around.
Prussia seeks diplomatic relations with the British.
Prussia agrees to defend the northern Germanic minors from any outside forces that may threaten them.
More coal mines are ordered by the government, and new railroad infrastructure is planned to connect (or relax the strain on current infrastructure) major cities. Prussia does a military drill, but at the end, also uses some manpower to aid the building of infrastructure to make the military more palatable to the citizens.

Prussia likes cbrown towns.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 12:32:23 PM by Swat 3 »