Author Topic: [news] THE WALL IS GOING UP  (Read 23801 times)

You're the one making the insults. You can't just say it's my fault that you made a bad joke because you don't know anything.
Go back and look at the context for that quote. That wasn't an attack, that was a joke.
It's typical of the mentally deficient yanks to take a classic Australian joke and twist it to help inflate the size of their grotesque rooster.

I'm sorry, but that's some major deflection you got going on over there.

I would say that I didn't take you for being a salty cunt but honestly thats a complete lie.
I'm still not sure what kind of person thinks insults like "salty" or "autist" hold up as actually character qualifiers. It doesn't surprise me though; you're the one getting completely victimised by AAA Publishers and Console Manufacturers all the time and I'd expect somebody like that probably has a couple screws loose.

I'm still not sure what kind of person thinks insults like "salty" or "autist" hold up as actually character qualifiers.

"salty" because you can't take a joke. "autist" because you don't understand clear social queues when someone is joking.
It doesn't surprise me though; you're the one getting completely victimised by AAA Publishers and Console Manufacturers all the time and I'd expect somebody like that probably has a couple screws loose.

not wanting a console to be stuff =/= victimized. You are deluded beyond reality

australia vs america thread

australia vs america thread
i never knew blockland forums allowed rape

I'm sorry, but that's some major deflection you got going on over there.
You haven't proven my argument wrong, and posts in this thread aren't helping your case.

"salty" because you can't take a joke.
Be funny.

"autist" because you don't understand clear social queues when someone is joking.
Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but generally jokes are funny. As I said above, try being funny.

not wanting a console to be stuff =/= victimized. You are deluded beyond reality
You bitch about every loving thing in the gaming industry moreso than me. I can't enter a goddam thread in the Games section without you whining about how Ubisoft has done this, or how Nintendo has done that, and yet everybody consistently shuts your points down, yet you keep brining more up expecting to find that one zinger that'll shut us all down.

satin seems like one of those national socialist-tier american nationalists who thinks america is so utterly perfect and thus his posts reflect that kind of personality

im fairly sure he's trying to suggest that any contest between australia and the USA would result in an brown town rape fest of australia.

his post history indicates hes a lot less reasonable and a lot more toxic compared to master matthew, but he posts far more infrequently and so never really got his name solidified into the community consciousness here.

You haven't proven my argument wrong, and posts in this thread aren't helping your case.
Be funny.
Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but generally jokes are funny. As I said above, try being funny.

The last person I'm going to take queues for humour on is you

You bitch about every loving thing in the gaming industry moreso than me. I can't enter a goddam thread in the Games section without you whining about how Ubisoft has done this, or how Nintendo has done that, and yet everybody consistently shuts your points down, yet you keep brining more up expecting to find that one zinger that'll shut us all down.

No McJob. I post an article about something happening with, lets say, the Switch, and then handicaps like you and Insert defend it like it's your loving love child instead of looking at it with a loving shred of objectivity. It would be different when Titanfall 2 was confirmed for not coming to the switch if Insert or you said "oh EA is being stuffty not allocating money to port this" or "oh they are just going to wait an see if the Switch does well and is worth porting to". Not "HURRR ITZ MOBILE CONSOLE NINTENDO DID NOTING RONG" You friends always immediately jump to the defense of Nintendo in that thread to the point where it's become a massive circle jerk between you friends.

And no, Insert crying "ad hominem" every time I question his reading comprehension isn't "shutting me down". Neither is you saying "I have information no one else knows about Nintendo which will make the console amazing". I hope to god you are right because if your not the console is going to be stuff at this point.

the comparison of any country east of UK to america is like comparing a fine steak to mcdonalds

to be fair, you should know what to expect if you post a potentially very flammable article on a circlejerk/support topic. look what happened every time liberal fake news was posted in the DJ Annoying Orange megathread.

it would have been more clear if you put down using neutral wording your stance/what kind of point you were trying to make when posting the article, rather than dumping some gasoline on the floor and wait for people to light it on fire before responding/stating your stance

to be fair, you should know what to expect if you post a potentially very flammable article on a circlejerk/support topic. look what happened every time liberal fake news was posted in the DJ Annoying Orange megathread.

Silly me I thought the thread was about discussing an upcoming console. Not sucking Nintendos rooster.

Silly me I thought the thread was about discussing an upcoming console. Not sucking Nintendos rooster.
sorry for the ninja edit screwing your response up, but i guess the point is you didn't add to a discussion, you just dropped an unmarked bomb into the topic and wait for people to blow themselves up with it and then attempt to state how stupid they are for not realizing its a bomb.

aka the reverse of tony's strategy: dropping an inflammatory article and letting people stuff themselves over it then taking the opportunity to call them stupid. is it a circlejerk to respond to the article stating "well that makes sense because the switch is not meant to be powerful" etc etc?

The last person I'm going to take queues for humour on is you
Incredibly, looks like other people in the thread are having fun. Does that mean they're all wrong, or that possibly you are?

No McJob. I post an article about something happening with, lets say, the Switch, and then handicaps like you and Insert defend it like it's your loving love child instead of looking at it with a loving shred of objectivity.
Ignore Insert and focus on me. At what point in the Switch debates did I ever present anything that wasn't an objective argument? Every single point I've made that was directed against something you said has been based on easy to find facts. I told you exactly why networking exists. I told you why the cost of the console seems high. I told you why the device is relatively underpowered compared to actual, static consoles. You're not listening to anything I say, though.

It would be different when Titanfall 2 was confirmed for not coming to the switch if Insert or you said "oh EA is being stuffty not allocating money to port this" or "oh they are just going to wait an see if the Switch does well and is worth porting to".
Why would I say that? When have I ever said I only want the Switch for third party titles? I couldn't give two tosses if it's completely only first-party games. It's nice we're getting Skyim, but if other third parties don't want to do it, they don't want to do it. Doesn't stop the console itself from being an interesting piece of hardware.

Not "HURRR ITZ MOBILE CONSOLE NINTENDO DID NOTING RONG" You friends always immediately jump to the defense of Nintendo in that thread to the point where it's become a massive circle jerk between you friends.
At this point you've just lost me. I deal in the business of facts when it comes to games and game development. I haven't seen anything wrong with the console. Maybe it's because I have a well paying job so I can easily afford everything. Maybe it's because I'm a game developer with interest of publishing to the system. Maybe it's because I've actually touched it, played on it and talked about it with people who know more than me.

Neither is you saying "I have information no one else knows about Nintendo which will make the console amazing". I hope to god you are right because if your not the console is going to be stuff at this point.
Was never intended to be aimed at you as a serious argument. That was something for the people interested to let them know that there's more to come. Sorry if you saw it differently than that.

sorry for the ninja edit screwing your response up, but i guess the point is you didn't add to a discussion, you just dropped an unmarked bomb into the topic and wait for people to blow themselves up with it and then attempt to state how stupid they are for not realizing its a bomb.

Considering that the majority of the posts beforehand are circlejerking over comments about the switch and how "wrong" they are I thought I would bring in something thats actually relevant. It's more of a "hey theres some information regarding the Switch. What are your thoughts on this"? I shouldn't have to write that since when I link something it generally implies that