Author Topic: LegoPepper - Unreasonable Admin, Making up false reasons to ban me for  (Read 50456 times)

The story begins a few months ago around October 2016 I believe. I played Legopeppers (SapphireServers) Medieval Roleplay daily due to it being one of the two good servers being hosted [the other was Jailbreak]. I ended up killing someone who bound me up before and I disguised as them. Apparently though, an admin had revived them for whatever reason and didn't tell me, and I ended up getting put in a sit with LegoPepper for disguising as an alive person. I was informed that due to having 10 bans in 2 months I was going to be permanently banned this time. Just remember - when you are banned from this server it lists all the offenses you are banned for, even if there are multiple, this was the only one I was banned for - meaning it was focused on that 2 month period. I was banned, but I couldn't remember getting 10 bans in the past 2 months, so I contacted an admin to ask for my banlist via PM on their forums.

Upon checking the banlist in the past 2 months I only had 4 bans - One of which was an extend of a ban so it didn't count, which meant 3 bans, but another was a repeat ban from 2 admins banning me at the same time apparently, which only meant 2 bans. I checked if I had 10 bans overall even before the 2 month period - despite it was only focused on that period, and I believe I only had 7 or 8 including the repeats. I decided to contact LegoPepper but he kept repeating the same point that I disproved with this, I wrote a ban appeal and apparently it was denied because '2 bans was enough for a permanent' which is ridiculous, because no one else has been banned for 2. I took this into PMs with LegoPepper who said he would ban me from his forum if I didn't stop responding to him - and I responded again due to the forum having no use to me If I cant use the server, and I was banned [I admit, I deserved the forum ban].

Basically LegoPepper banned me for no reason and made up things that aren't stated in the rules anywhere, or even true. I have taken so long to write this Drama because I wanted to contact them before this, but I have had no way. Also keep in mind, this is a good server, this is probably the worst experience I've had on it/

I cant post images of my banlist because I cant access their forum, so I would appreciate it if LegoPepper, or an admin could post the banlist for me here.

I always find it dumb that a medieval roleplay doesn't allow you to roleplay as a bandit.

I always find it dumb that a medieval roleplay doesn't allow you to roleplay as a bandit.
it actually does

it actually does
It doesn't though. I recall stealing armor once and fighting a guard when he found out, then getting banned for "rdm". The server is a boring piece of stuff and a perpetual drain on the playercount of everything else.

cant you pick-pocket people?

paint is always known to be malicious when it comes to rps

not saying dismiss paint but he isn't a trusty guy

paint is always known to be malicious when it comes to rps

not saying dismiss paint but he isn't a trusty guy
paint a bad picture of him y dont u

I always find it dumb that a medieval roleplay doesn't allow you to roleplay as a bandit.
Tony was also banned from the server for RDMing somebody within 5 minutes.
When asked why, he replied "because I'm lord tony."

I checked, and you were banned for RDM several times as well as for exploiting the map, apparently.

Well here we go again.

First of all, I would like to point out that it wasn't just LegoPepper who decided to ban you, we as the Admins on the server have came to the conclusion that it was a valid reason to get permabanned for. Some of you guys may disagree with me here, but LegoPepper is the owner of the server, so I would say that he has all the rights to ban people from the server after as many bans and warnings as you did, you don't pay a single penny for the server, dude. If you would own a car or a house of your own, that you paid for with your own money, don't you think that you should be given the power to decide who can enter and who cannot?

First of all I would like to point out that the reason you listed here is quite semi-honest. You indeed did the said action, however it was more your previous warns and bans that got you off the server. You see, you kind of exploited a little feature* we had, by "disguising", and it wasn't the first time either, furthermore it was already stated in the rules that you SHOULD NOT be able to disguise as living characters, as it'd lead to unfair outcomes**. You have been warned and even banned for numerous reasons, such as continous RDM***, Metagaming****, exploiting***** and even leaving in a sit****** to avoid the consequances.

In the second paragraph you seem to complain about the your unfair bans in the logs, as well as claiming that LegoPepper shouldn't have banned you, as you didn't have a total of ten bans. I can't help but simply disagree with it, please keep in mind that there never was and never will be a rule that states that we can only permaban people who had over ten bans, for this reason I took the time and effort to search onto your logs, and I can confirm that you have been banned seven times, and had three warnings, most of which for the same reason. That has lead us to believe that you either simply disrespect the rules or are unable to learn from your very own mistakes. At the end of this report you even claim that you deserved to be banned off our forums, but doesn't that terminates the main reason of this drama thread then?

The third paragraph is simply a lie. You have contacted me numerous times shortly after you've been banned and I replied to you. I even listed the bans to you, however you decided to go silent after I claimed that I actually do agree with the ban logs.

Keep in mind that our main goal at Sapphire Servers is to provide a fair and fun game for most people to enjoy, realism is our second highest priority.

* "Little feature" - Basically by the time Paint was playing, we allowed the players to change their characters' name whenever they wanted, this was supposed to be used to change characters, so you wouldn't have to play as the very same character again. However what Paint has used it to avoid conflict. What he has been doing was to cause conflict, change his decals and then also change his name. This way the players who were looking for him had no way of figuring out that it was actually him. In-fact, he was so much of a master of disguise that he didn't only manage to fully change his clothes while running, but also shave and grow out a lost eye. This feature has been removed, since realistically people should've been able to recognise him by his face. This feature has been removed.

** "Unfair outcomes" - With the mentioned feature you would've been able to take the name of someone else, which would be unrealistic, as your characters' face wouldn't look the same, and also unfair for the person whose name was being taken, as if it was allowed anyone could ruin any other characters' fame.

*** "RDM" - RDM stands for "Random Deathmatch", it is when you attack and / or kill someone without having a valid reason to do so. We understand that the medieval times were agressive and rough, but I doubt anyone would like to lose his character that he spent so much time on developing to someone who simply attacked them because they got bored.

**** "Metagaming" - Metagaming is when you use or spread information that your character wouldn't know / the others' character wouldn't work. This contains telling other people where you are, if you're in trouble, or simply posting in-character information on any out of RP chat. This simply gives an unfair advantage.

***** "Exploiting" - Exploiting is when you simply know of a glitch and decide to use it as an advantage. As you may know, you are able to leave notes behind on walls for others to read, however back in October the notes had collision to them. Which meant that you could jump onto them, as well as place them on doors to block people from coming out. These are obviously unrealistic. This has been fixed.

****** "Sit" - If you have broken a rule and get reported, instead of us banning you we pull you into a sit, where you and the "victim" can tell what happened from your point of view, so the admin can judge who's actually in right. As you can imagine, leaving in a sit is not recomended, as it easily seems that you are just simply trying to avoid conflict. If you do know that you have to go shortly, we discourage you to start conflict or to attack anyone.

To reply to Lord Tony;

First of all I do believe that you and LegoPepper had a little chat about playing bandits, in which you were asked if you read the rules, to which you replied with simply "no".

On the other hand, we do understand why would you guys want to play bandits. Being bandit is quite exciting, as your life would be made up of fighting and hiding, and who wouldn't like to play a little game of action and stealth? However our Medieval RP server, is still an RP server, which means that the main focus should always remain developing your characters. We, as the staff found it quite unfair to lose your character you spent so much time building to a bandit who simply attacked him for his gold. Sorry, but once again, we have to put the game's fairness above realism.

HOWEVER, if you do tell them to give them their money, and drop their items, but they refuse to, you ARE ALLOWED to attack and kill them.

Thanks and have fun.

why would you admit you were rightfully banned twice, and then banned from the server's forums when trying to appeal a permanent ban? it seems justified to me.

It doesn't though. I recall stealing armor once and fighting a guard when he found out, then getting banned for "rdm". The server is a boring piece of stuff and a perpetual drain on the playercount of everything else.
We are trurly sorry if you didn't enjoy your time on our server, however if you really feel like your ban hasn't been rightful, don't be shy to post a ban appeal here!

why would you admit you were rightfully banned twice, and then banned from the server's forums when trying to appeal a permanent ban? it seems justified to me.
I was rightfully banned twice - I agree, but I was permanently banned for 10 bans which is not fair, the other 2 bans had actual reasons.

Well here we go again.

First of all, I would like to point out that it wasn't just LegoPepper who decided to ban you, we as the Admins on the server have came to the conclusion that it was a valid reason to get permabanned for. Some of you guys may disagree with me here, but LegoPepper is the owner of the server, so I would say that he has all the rights to ban people from the server after as many bans and warnings as you did, you don't pay a single penny for the server, dude. If you would own a car or a house of your own, that you paid for with your own money, don't you think that you should be given the power to decide who can enter and who cannot?
Just because it's your party doesnt mean you can fling stuff at people

First of all I would like to point out that the reason you listed here is quite semi-honest. You indeed did the said action, however it was more your previous warns and bans that got you off the server. You see, you kind of exploited a little feature* we had, by "disguising", and it wasn't the first time either, furthermore it was already stated in the rules that you SHOULD NOT be able to disguise as living characters, as it'd lead to unfair outcomes**. You have been warned and even banned for numerous reasons, such as continous RDM***, Metagaming****, exploiting***** and even leaving in a sit****** to avoid the consequances.
I was not informed he was alive, I thought he was dead since I killed him. Continuous RDM is a lie as I was never given continuous bans for it in my 2 months, if you are talking about the months before I played in that 2 month period, that isnt what we care about currently, its focused on this 2 month period, as my ban states. The leaving in a sit was months before and I clearly told an admin that it was because I had to get off my PC to visit friends, I would rather go and have a life than stay on a game server - I do not mind if I was banned for it, but it was not to avoid a ban.

In the second paragraph you seem to complain about the your unfair bans in the logs, as well as claiming that LegoPepper shouldn't have banned you, as you didn't have a total of ten bans. I can't help but simply disagree with it, please keep in mind that there never was and never will be a rule that states that we can only permaban people who had over ten bans, for this reason I took the time and effort to search onto your logs, and I can confirm that you have been banned seven times, and had three warnings, most of which for the same reason. That has lead us to believe that you either simply disrespect the rules or are unable to learn from your very own mistakes. At the end of this report you even claim that you deserved to be banned off our forums, but doesn't that terminates the main reason of this drama thread then?
Its focused on 10 bans,  you yourself admit I have 7- bans, how do you disagree with that? I remember getting one warning because I actually broke a rule and the second by accident, but the third one was probably before I started on the 2-month period.

The third paragraph is simply a lie. You have contacted me numerous times shortly after you've been banned and I replied to you. I even listed the bans to you, however you decided to go silent after I claimed that I actually do agree with the ban logs.
I contacted you once asking for the banlogs when I was banned from the forums and you dismissed me so I didnt bother replying.  I wanted to speak to LegoPepper and not one of his messengers, as you said - he decides who joins and who doesnt apparently.

Keep in mind that our main goal at Sapphire Servers is to provide a fair and fun game for most people to enjoy, realism is our second highest priority.

* "Little feature" - Basically by the time Paint was playing, we allowed the players to change their characters' name whenever they wanted, this was supposed to be used to change characters, so you wouldn't have to play as the very same character again. However what Paint has used it to avoid conflict. What he has been doing was to cause conflict, change his decals and then also change his name. This way the players who were looking for him had no way of figuring out that it was actually him. In-fact, he was so much of a master of disguise that he didn't only manage to fully change his clothes while running, but also shave and grow out a lost eye. This feature has been removed, since realistically people should've been able to recognise him by his face. This feature has been removed.
You can put an eyepatch on your face without losing an eye. The beard was part of the decal with the eyepatch, If the decal didnt have the beard, I wouldnt have used it. Also I never changed diguise on the run, only when I reached a house I would - I fail to see how you remember something about one singular user on a server with hundreds per day, about 3-4 months ago? Maybe that is why some of your 'facts' are incorrect.

** "Unfair outcomes" - With the mentioned feature you would've been able to take the name of someone else, which would be unrealistic, as your characters' face wouldn't look the same, and also unfair for the person whose name was being taken, as if it was allowed anyone could ruin any other characters' fame.
He was wearing armour that covered most of him, people wouldnt have been able to recognize the face, plus I didnt even change the face, only my clothes.

*** "RDM" - RDM stands for "Random Deathmatch", it is when you attack and / or kill someone without having a valid reason to do so. We understand that the medieval times were agressive and rough, but I doubt anyone would like to lose his character that he spent so much time on developing to someone who simply attacked them because they got bored.
I killed an admin because his guards attacked attacked me and someone else because I was wanted, and that pissed him off apparently because I got banned.
**** "Metagaming" - Metagaming is when you use or spread information that your character wouldn't know / the others' character wouldn't work. This contains telling other people where you are, if you're in trouble, or simply posting in-character information on any out of RP chat. This simply gives an unfair advantage.
This I actually did do, despite I didnt know it was bannable, as previous to this Amir, a super admin had done this to me on numerous occasions.

***** "Exploiting" - Exploiting is when you simply know of a glitch and decide to use it as an advantage. As you may know, you are able to leave notes behind on walls for others to read, however back in October the notes had collision to them. Which meant that you could jump onto them, as well as place them on doors to block people from coming out. These are obviously unrealistic. This has been fixed.
I wasnt the only person who did this, atleast 50 other players did, including some admins during a siege.

****** "Sit" - If you have broken a rule and get reported, instead of us banning you we pull you into a sit, where you and the "victim" can tell what happened from your point of view, so the admin can judge who's actually in right. As you can imagine, leaving in a sit is not recomended, as it easily seems that you are just simply trying to avoid conflict. If you do know that you have to go shortly, we discourage you to start conflict or to attack anyone.
As stated above, I left that sit because I have a life.

To reply to Lord Tony;

First of all I do believe that you and LegoPepper had a little chat about playing bandits, in which you were asked if you read the rules, to which you replied with simply "no".

On the other hand, we do understand why would you guys want to play bandits. Being bandit is quite exciting, as your life would be made up of fighting and hiding, and who wouldn't like to play a little game of action and stealth? However our Medieval RP server, is still an RP server, which means that the main focus should always remain developing your characters. We, as the staff found it quite unfair to lose your character you spent so much time building to a bandit who simply attacked him for his gold. Sorry, but once again, we have to put the game's fairness above realism.

HOWEVER, if you do tell them to give them their money, and drop their items, but they refuse to, you ARE ALLOWED to attack and kill them.

Thanks and have fun.