Author Topic: LegoPepper - Unreasonable Admin, Making up false reasons to ban me for  (Read 50476 times)

Replying to wall of text tomorrow, on my phone right now wilhich makes typing take ages.

If you would get an ice cream for entirely free, you wouldn't complain that it's not your favourite flavour, would you?

You would, however, complain about arbitrary rules set by a powertripping handicap thinking right means right since they're providing the service in the first place.

thinking right means right
do you mean might means right or am i missing the point

If you would get an ice cream for entirely free, you wouldn't complain that it's not your favourite flavour, would you?
Just because a server is free to join, does not mean any complaints and concerns are automatically invalid. Just because you own the server does not mean you have full fledged rights to be an ass.

My point, since Noob Guitarist is completely missing it because he, too, is powertripping mad:

Placing the blame on your players for not being able to play your server is going to kill your server. If you think otherwise, then you are an idiot.

I'm on the server's side so far but I gotta agree with INH on this part.

But Ike, are you sure it's his fault when others can't fit in with the server's regulations? The rules aren't obscure, they are clearly visible. And there's also a book with hints opposite of book with the rules that gives you a few ideas to get on the server's theme too.

Gotta agree with Ike on this one. There's a reason very few serious blockland players/community members play this server

But Ike, are you sure it's his fault when others can't fit in with the server's regulations? The rules aren't obscure, they are clearly visible. And there's also a book with hints opposite of book with the rules that gives you a few ideas to get on the server's theme too.

OP said that LegoPepper made up rules to ban him

Tbh it seems like the ban is well deserved and I believe this situation is being handled appropriately by the administration.

It's not his fault when players aren't able to play the server, but it becomes his fault when the admins are unhelpful hypocrites, power trippers, and ignoring concerns and criticisms because "It's free!!!"

Especially when the damn owner is so power hungry that they make up rules just to have a reason to ban someone.

Tbh it seems like the ban is well deserved and I believe this situation is being handled appropriately by the administration.

Cue the self-proclaimed "serious roleplayers" who cry BAN HE! when regular members of the community happen to step on the many, many eggshells strewn about these stuffty roleplays.

Just because a server is free to join, does not mean any complaints and concerns are automatically invalid. Just because you own the server does not mean you have full fledged rights to be an ass.
My point, since Noob Guitarist is completely missing it because he, too, is powertripping mad:

Placing the blame on your players for not being able to play your server is going to kill your server. If you think otherwise, then you are an idiot.
You guys indeed have a point, but just take my word for it; We aren't being powermad. We as the admins are concerned that we are just people, and that means that we also often make mistakes, as well as misunderstand things. That is the main reason why we have Ban Appeals, so players are able to prove that there's been situations where it was actually the admin who was in wrong. There's no shame in being wrong.
Furthermore, we strongly discourage "being an arse" as well as flaming, communication between our players and the staff team is the key to a succesful server. We often discuss what would the players would like to see next being added to our server.
But please try to understand that we didn't make the rules up with having our own fun in our heads. Sits exist so the players can explain if they feel like they didn't do anything wrong or if they didn't understand the rules. Also keep in mind that we (and by we I mean most of us) don't usually skip on the first rule breaks and minor ones. That's why warnings are apart of the server.
But as I previously mentioned we are just people, so I may actually be wrong, even here; but the way I see it, if the majority of people manages to understand and have fun by our rules, then I can't help but feel like they are rightful.

You guys indeed have a point, but just take my word for it; We aren't being powermad. We as the admins are concerned that we are just people, and that means that we also often make mistakes, as well as misunderstand things. That is the main reason why we have Ban Appeals, so players are able to prove that there's been situations where it was actually the admin who was in wrong. There's no shame in being wrong.
Furthermore, we strongly discourage "being an arse" as well as flaming, communication between our players and the staff team is the key to a succesful server. We often discuss what would the players would like to see next being added to our server.
But please try to understand that we didn't make the rules up with having our own fun in our heads. Sits exist so the players can explain if they feel like they didn't do anything wrong or if they didn't understand the rules. Also keep in mind that we (and by we I mean most of us) don't usually skip on the first rule breaks and minor ones. That's why warnings are apart of the server.
But as I previously mentioned we are just people, so I may actually be wrong, even here; but the way I see it, if the majority of people manages to understand and have fun by our rules, then I can't help but feel like they are rightful.
Then again, you guys DO have amir as a super admin

"Take my word for it"

That is not any proof and it does not support your claims. Actual proof would be to post chatlogs, talk to admins and stuff like that. Not "take my word for it" and repeating excuses.

Then again, you guys DO have amir as a super admin