Author Topic: [NEWS] Violent UC Berkeley riots force cancellation of Milo Yiannopoulos event  (Read 39202 times)

or what you mean to say is "despite himself not supporting any form of white supremacy or any races supremacy and being accepting of every creed and race with the exception of radical islam, I disagree with him so I will now demonize him as a national socialist regardless of the evidence telling otherwise"
Jeez, lol. I don't think my playful exaggeration came off the way I intended.

the entire system leans to the left which is very unhealthy for the maturing mind considering they're only hearing one side of the argument
I think this is moreso a function of the incoming students rather than how the universities actually teach. My school has a famous reputation for political apathy, but we're still predominantly liberal.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 03:26:27 AM by SeventhSandwich »

maybe instead of some elaborate communist scheme, educated people just naturally become more liberal? no, that's too wild.


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maybe instead of some elaborate communist scheme, educated people just naturally become more liberal? no, that's too wild.

They're not educated, they're indoctrinated.  No person educated in subject of history or economics would willingly label themselves a communist and fly the hammer and sickle.  No person with any logical thinking skills would label themselves an anarchist, fly an anarchist flag (wtf?), then take to the streets to break stuff. 


  • Administrator
Where did I say violent?

The subject is violence/hostilities.  Someone asked for clarification, you said:

openly gay republican rabble-rouser who talks really loudly and has gained a rather outspokenly hostile cult following

There's negative connotation on the term "rabble-rouser", indicating that you think he stirs up trouble intentionally (the trouble at hand is a riot).  You said he has a hostile cult following, implying mindless followers.  You said he talks loudly, implying some kind of unjustified influence over these mindless drones (he doens't talk "persuasively", it's just loud ie he bombards them with bad ideas).  The whole sentence implies that he whipped up a crowd of his own followers into this riot or that somehow his followers are to blame for provoking people.  The second option fits right in with a popular far left narrative going around that it's acceptable to respond to words and ideas with actual physical violence (punch a national socialist, etc)

If that's not what you meant to say then you should chose your words more carefully. 

I think this is moreso a function of the incoming students rather than how the universities actually teach. My school has a famous reputation for political apathy, but we're still predominantly liberal.
[tired_rant]I wouldn't necessarily agree.  Although I am no authority on the topic, it seems more reasonable that school administrators would more or less capitulate to an increasingly enraged generation.  I honestly have had history professors asking "well what do you think happened" following an open-ended lesson.  History isn't about speculation, even for historians who need a bit of speculation to create a logical result.  The paramount ingredient is factual evidence, and this sets a poor precedent.  The same thing occurred in a political science class, where most of the time, it was this guy spreading hyper-leftist propaganda.  Factual evidence was involved, but it was mostly speculation leading to emotional approaches to something that should have covered a more matter-of-fact history of "what we know" and "what we don't know".  No lines were drawn, and a lot of the lecture hall ate it up.  It would be reasonable to expect good professor evaluations for professors which agreed with their students.  But opinions have taken a larger role in academia than they should have.  Part of the reasons on why I'm taking an academic leave.  I'm upset that the academic world really took strides away from critical brown townysis and logical methods.[/tired_rant]

They're not educated, they're indoctrinated.  No person educated in subject of history or economics would willingly label themselves a communist and fly the hammer and sickle.  No person with any logical thinking skills would label themselves an anarchist, fly an anarchist flag (wtf?), then take to the streets to break stuff.  
Seems more fitting for a Venn Diagram.  Knowledge (education) can always be used for vile purposes given poor morals (indoctrination).  Given a capacity to manipulate, that can make some people very, very dangerous.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 04:56:18 AM by SWAT One »

There's negative connotation on the term "rabble-rouser", indicating that you think he stirs up trouble intentionally (the trouble at hand is a riot).  You said he has a hostile cult following, implying mindless followers.  You said he talks loudly, implying some kind of unjustified influence over these mindless drones (he doens't talk "persuasively", it's just loud ie he bombards them with bad ideas).  The whole sentence implies that he whipped up a crowd of his own followers into this riot or that somehow his followers are to blame for provoking people.  The second option fits right in with a popular far left narrative going around that it's acceptable to respond to words and ideas with actual physical violence (punch a national socialist, etc)

If that's not what you meant to say then you should chose your words more carefully.  

Yeah, I kinda forgeted up trying to make a witty laconic explanation that ended up being needlessly critical of Milo. I probably could have worded that a hell of a lot better, in hindsight. Considering context of the thread, it comes off like I was trying to blame him for the rioting. Apologies to rambo it came off that way. I was trying to convey that his outspoken critique of ideologies he deems regressive seems to stir up a lotta stuff in the political scene, and he's gathered somewhat of a volatile following.

Also related to thread - (warning: autoplaying video)

CNN being stupid once again trying to play this off as a "Protest". It was a riot, clear as day. Protestors don't light vehicles on fire and damage property.

Antifa are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such.

So did everyone forget about the incident at Seattle about a week ago? One of Milo's chuds almost killed someone by gunshot outside the event.


  • Administrator
So did everyone forget about the incident at Seattle about a week ago? One of Milo's chuds almost killed someone by gunshot outside the event.

The guy was under attack by multiple assailants and fired in self defense.  He turned himself in to police and was released without charge. 

Unfortunately, California does not respect the human right of self defense so the Berkley rioters were able to assault their victims without consequence.

Here's a few real life examples of how absurdly liberal my school is: kick the top fraternity on campus(SAE) for a video that contains "there will never be a monday in SAE", but allows black students to paint swasticas and blame white students while literally assaulting Annoying Orange supporters on election day, while allowing a black running back to remain in school after breaking a girls face.
This is in arguably the most conservitive state in the US, Oklahoma.

It's also worth noting that this happens at Milo's events all the time. To quote the great Winston Churchill, "The fascists of the future will be the "anti fascists"".
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 10:23:21 AM by patton360 »

lol who labels that as a protest? it's not even a riot-- seeing as it's antifa and this was definitely planned, this violent whiny-fit falls under terrorism

Unfortunately, California does not respect the human right of self defense so the Berkley rioters were able to assault their victims without consequence.

Yeah, all those poor ATM machines murdered, man. Really harrowing. Is the new strategy of the alt-right to get their asses kicked and cry about it online?

Rioters are hired by Annoying Orange to use it as leverage and stop federal funding to universities

Yeah, all those poor ATM machines murdered, man. Really harrowing. Is the new strategy of the alt-right to get their asses kicked and cry about it online?
Dude the fact that you're seriously trying to excuse people rioting because someone is trying to use their constitutional rights is so loving autistic I can't put it into words

Rioters are hired by Annoying Orange to use it as leverage and stop federal funding to universities
And I thought leasuresuits post was stupid