Author Topic: Escalation: When Diplomacy Fails - 1958  (Read 18797 times)

everyone is always talking to russia.
KGB operatives are always listening

After years of civil war, almost all of mainland china is now in the rightful hands of socialism. Mao Zedong proclaims the Peoples Republic of China as the new government of mainland china, and takes up residence in Zhongnanhai. Troops are sent down to the south to keep peace and quell any nationalist uprisings, as well as to take Hainan. Some restoration projects are also put into motion.

japan doesnt talk to russia

we're faithful to america-san~ :3

rosyia will support the people's republic of china and help them take over any other lands still in the hands of the ROC rebels (formosa cough cough)

Poland begins to build up light defenses on iron curtain in case of land invasion

90,000 baltic people sent to settle great siberia
USSR also will help defend eastern europe and supports Cominform.
we offer good relations to yugoslavia and would be interested in any trade you might need.

So I'm assuming we only get one turn/post before per op update.

So I'm assuming we only get one turn/post before per op update.
Well no, it's just that between posts is only one year. I'm wrapping up some homework now, expect the 1950 update soon.

yugoslav warily accepts the ussr request for good relation....
the trade offer is debated within the parliament....

How long is long enough to post again?

The UK announces Commonwealth of Nations. Send all of those.... who are those.

The PRC requests trade and a defensive pact with the USSR.

The PRC requests trade and a defensive pact with the USSR.

the freshly reunited successor of the weimar republic requests membership within NATO

Events of Early 1950

Events with an asterisk and colored nation name require immediate action.

Communist Inflitrators
US diplomat Alger Hiss has been convicted of being a Soviet agent; in separate cases, German physicist Klaus Fuchs has confessed to leaking American and British nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, and Department of Justice official Judith Coplon has been accused of being a Soviet spy.
The KMT Loses the Mainland
The last Kuomintang forced in mainland China have surrendered to the communists amid the re-election of Chiang Kai-shek.
US Senator Joseph McCarthy accuses the State Department of harboring 205 communist infiltrators.
Communist Riots
Pro-communist riots have erupted in Paris, quickly turning violent and encouraging strikes.
A New Element
Scientists in Berkeley, California have announced the recent discovery of element 98, dubbed Californium.
Trouble in the Suez* (United Kingdom)
Egypt has demanded that the United Kingdom withdraw all of its troops from the Suez Cbrown town, sending the future of Egyptian stability into question. Could this be the start of a crCIA in the Suez?
South African Apartheid
The South African government has passed the Group Areas Act, officially segregating the country along racial lines into white and black areas, with black individuals relegated to poorer areas, facing longer commute times and harsh discrimination.
The Schuman Declaration
Former Prime Minister of France Robert Schuman has proposed a new pan-European organization designed to maintain peace and stability in war-torn Europe, with support from famed British PM Winston Churchill.
The Korean War* (The Big 5)
North Korean forces have crossed the 38th parallel into South Korean territory, confident that their communist allies will back them up. Only 5 years after the end of World War II, the world is facing yet another crCIA...

Time will pass more slowly while the Korean War is active.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 11:26:29 PM by TristanLuigi »