Author Topic: what forumers would you team up with to build shelter from the apocalypse  (Read 3032 times)

swholli, to keep me sane
Boink! cause he'd be smart with weapons
Candle (hodototman) to have someone to be equal with
dreams of cheese, cuz he'd be reasonable

swholli, to keep me sane
Boink! cause he'd be smart with weapons
Candle (hodototman) to have someone to be equal with
dreams of cheese, cuz he'd be reasonable
wtf bitch don't we live 5 mins from each other?? you're invited to join my post-apoc power bloc :))

wtf bitch don't we live 5 mins from each other?? you're invited to join my post-apoc power bloc :))
o yeah lol you live down the road. u can join us

77x5ghost2 - Weapons guy
Refticus - Captain
Gr8dayseth - Member
Lego Lad - Puns specialist
Trogtor - Weapons guy
Daniel S. - Builder / Mechanic
Swollow - Builder

i probably would be the cook with guns too..
and Red Spy as the tech guy
bich wat

sylvanor and brickiect

we 'bout to have a city of shacks

bich wat
you're building a wall and you're gonna make the blockland forums pay for it

you're building a wall and you're gonna make the blockland forums pay for it
we probably could judging by all the alts we burn through

Gr8dayseth - Member
i am a vry importnt person
Gr8dayseth for planning
ok guys here's the plan u all go get food out in the rly rly dangerous area and i'll stay here with all the weapons

Whatever forumers are also experienced with firearms would be my first choice. Some other things I'd be looking for too.
My dream team would probably have Plethora, Unwritten Calendar, Leon S. Kennedy (halonerfer29), and idk like SlayerZ99

EDIT: and Stocking because we need a comedian to keep spirits up
M8 don't leave me!

I would take the following:

Plethora, Taciturn, myself   — Domestic Affairs.
blazerblock2, Leon S. Kennedy   — Public Safety.
Juncoph   —  Construct Management(dealing with survival stuff since he is pretty knowledgeable.).
grunterdb1951, CypherX, McJob, Maxwell   — Multi-role (Mainly because idk what they are good at in real life, but they are hella team players so they'd be desiable.)

McJob because he's got the attitude to get stuff done.
Badspot because he can make battle robots.
Lord Tony because he can climb.
Destroyer to keep everyone in check.
Bones4 in case we ever need a titanic, though I fear it might not ever be finished.
Sylvanor (or however you spell it) because if he were ever tasked to make something, it'll get done, no matter how big it is.

stocking and tony for a lifetime's supply of blubber and subsequently oil

i'll be the first post-apocalyptic oil tycoon

Using whales for blubber is unethical, even post-apocalypse.

well I shot 2 or 3 pistols, and one sniper
would you put me in?
pls I beg you
btw the 2 or 3 pistols were in the same session

Red Spy bc he's prob the closest forumer to me and prob has guns idk
and Red Spy as the tech guy

Thanks but I'd probably die from lack of insulin