Author Topic: [NEWS] Anti-Annoying Orange HW assignment given to 11-yr-old in NYC, father of kid upset  (Read 6121 times)

I never said that this was an acceptable way to teach.
You did when you started to defend her and what she did

I think it is ridiculous to demand action against these teachers because we'd have to lynch every Southern Christian English teacher in the US.
This isn't "every english teacher in the US" problem. It's the specific teachers themselves. It's every teacher who isn't teaching correctly or inappropriately.

Maybe we should uh

Keep the politics in a class about politics

Maybe we should uh

Keep the politics in a class about politics

i've had a few teachers that spoke their contentious political opinions quite freely, and it sometimes made me uncomfortable, and it's certainly not professional, but it never made any of their lessons objectively worse or made them a worse teacher. it was just inappropriate, and that's it. accusing a teacher of not doing their job properly because they stepped over the line of appropriate topics once or twice is definitely not fair. most of my family consists of educators, and they would probably all agree that this teacher was being grossly unprofessional (actually i've already seen this on facebook because of that), but i don't think they would say much more than that

I'm not gonna bother to keep responding to INH because it's like arguing with a brick wall covered in political graffiti. He just kinda ignores what you say and throws more of his own stuff at you.

My point here is the same as Otto's--this happens everywhere and isn't a big deal. Don't bitch and moan like you're some precious oppressed group because your teacher had a political opinion. It's an unavoidable part of life.

The teacher should not be fired, however the question was inappropriate, especially for a 5-6th grader.
I'm all for teaching politics in school, especially if its a class related to it. However it needs to be done in such a was that isn't blatantly biased. Same goes for religion.
Once opinions start to pop up its no longer teaching.

I'm not gonna bother to keep responding to INH because it's like arguing with a brick wall covered in political graffiti. He just kinda ignores what you say and throws more of his own stuff at you.
"I'm wrong so imma dismiss you so I feel like I'm right"

My point here is the same as Otto's--this happens everywhere and isn't a big deal. Don't bitch and moan like you're some precious oppressed group because your teacher had a political opinion. It's an unavoidable part of life.
Still missing the point

Don't bitch and moan like you're some precious oppressed group because your teacher had a political opinion. It's an unavoidable part of life.

So just because teachers bring up politics in an unrelated class we shouldn't care because stuff happens

I said that all teachers have viewpoints that will come out in lessons and that is a fact of life.
When you say that, I picture a teacher who accidentally lets their opinion slip out at an inappropriate time. However what happened here appears to have been a deliberate and sightly pathetic act of forcing a political opinion needlessly into an assignment, and there appears to be no excuse for it. It goes against what teaching kids stands for.

When you say that, I picture a teacher who accidentally lets their opinion slip out at an inappropriate time. However what happened here appears to have been a deliberate and sightly pathetic act of forcing a political opinion needlessly into an assignment, and there appears to be no excuse for it. It goes against what teaching kids stands for.
You'll have to forgive me if I roll my eyes at Conservatives pretending they are victims because a liberal teacher was biased against Annoying Orange--since I go to a highschool with huge banners in the hallways that say 'TRUST IN GOD' and have a minute long moment of prayer each morning. If my skin is thick enough to roll my eyes at those stupid opinions I think I can hold these melodramatic losers to the same standards.

Complaining about actual real problems =/= opinionated melodrama

Zealot please climb off of your pedistal

You'll have to forgive me if I roll my eyes at Conservatives pretending they are victims because a liberal teacher was biased against Annoying Orange

Everyone in the situation sounds more irritated that politics is in the schoolwork rather than an evil teacher oppressing a helpless 11 year old

If my skin is thick enough to roll my eyes at those stupid opinions

*le tip*
« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 12:49:35 AM by Red Spy »

its hard for me to agree with this because i personally never ever had a problem with any sort of political or religious bias getting involved in my classroom. even my government and economics teacher, someone who talked about politicsa lot had no trouble keeping a balance with politics by bringing out both the positive and negatives with obama, hillary, Annoying Orange, even bill clinton.

saying that i completely agree with what otto said. nothing much more than just teachers being petty and unprofessional. in other words, they should not be teaching in the first place.

Complaining about actual real problems =/= opinionated melodrama

Zealot please climb off of your pedistal
you arent helping

Politics in classrooms can be a good thing, but the students need to be old enough to have already formed their own opinions. 11 is too young. 16 is too young a lot of the time. This is why it's fine in college, but not before. Same with religion.