Author Topic: Modification to Munk's Footstep mod that changes footstep sounds via events  (Read 1692 times)

Not what you think - It would change the set of footstep sounds the player uses when they trigger an event on a brick.

It would go like this:

onPlayerTouch -> Player -> SetFootstepMode -> (dropdown list here)

When the player steps on this, the four footstep sounds they use when walking are changed to another set of four footstep sounds. This way if players are underground in a metal bunker and walk out onto the surface with grass, their footstep sounds can be changed at the door when they walk out so they have grass footstep sounds. When they go back inside, they can step on a brick that changes their footstep sounds back to metal.

Players would need to add their own different footstep "modes" for this to work, but i'm sure what wouldn't be too hard to do once we get a working code template for that.

Anyone able to help me with this?

sounds doable if you link me the addon

Currently there are two types that exist as far as i know. Feel free to correct me.

There's Peggy's footstep mod that lets you set paint colors to footstep sounds so all you do is color the surface they are walking on to a particular color.
This is good, but the only problem is if you have two different "materials" that are the same color, then you can only stick with one color for each material.

The second is by Mr.Nobody and Port and it lets you set footprints via events. However, its for each individual brick you walk on and not on the player. Therefore, it becomes a hassle to put an event on every brick that is small if you have a ton of rubble or debris.

These were just alternate suggestions for you if you didn't know about them.

I believe that the mod Planr is describing would be like a better version of the second one described. Instead of eventing every brick to change the player's footstep, it would be one brick to toggle the player's footsteps to another sound.
Someone needs to get on this idea because the current footstep mods i know of do get the job done, but i don't think anybody has the patience to work with the restrictions that they have.

sounds doable if you link me the addon
Here you go. I provided an extra set of footstep sound files in there with a "mtl" suffix instead of the normal "conc" suffix, so that you could quickly develop a second footstep sound set.

Also, would it be at all possible to implement the other sounds in the mod? For some reason, they aren't all working.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 12:56:13 AM by Planr »

There's Peggy's footstep mod that lets you set paint colors to footstep sounds so all you do is color the surface they are walking on to a particular color.
This is good, but the only problem is if you have two different "materials" that are the same color, then you can only stick with one color for each material.

Actually in my latest releases, you can change which sounds are made with events.

Actually in my latest releases, you can change which sounds are made with events.
Is it one event to switch to another sound or an event per brick that needs to have the sound?

Is it one event to switch to another sound or an event per brick that needs to have the sound?
Both. You can use commands to change which sound a color makes, and you can also change on a per brick basis which sound it makes with events, which takes priority.
Here's a link to it: