Author Topic: Why do you stick around?  (Read 3024 times)

the best creative outlet that i have.

Because I couldnt leave if i tried.

once you join there's no going back

- trapped on the forums
- some friends play bl

if i didn't work in front of a computer 9 hours every weekday i likely wouldn't post on the forums as much if at all

I just like Blockland and building, really.
I tripped up and got myself trapped in the forums. Great.

I've been checking forums only to see progress on suburbia (testing this weekend) and skill4life's pirate server.
wow this exactly

i stick around to see whats going to get made, and maybe play on those rare and occasional servers.

if i didn't work in front of a computer 9 hours every weekday i likely wouldn't post on the forums as much if at all

The forums are more addictive than paco or morphine.

You'd know

Personally I don't really play Blockland or participate in the community often.

I don't like the community here because everyone here is irrelevant, unfunny, awkward and creepy. Just about the equivalent of 4chan and tumblr. The only thing that keeps me tied here is the fact that I'm active in CaravanGaming which use to be the original Blockland Teamspeak back in the day. 95% of everyone in the CaravanGaming Discord has played and indulges in Blockland and its community. And people in CaravanGaming just don't stop talking about Blockland drama and trying to get people in the Discord to pick sides. It's as stupid as media talking about the Kardashians.

The only time I really play Blockland is when I want to try something new on Single Player.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 01:22:51 PM by Sentry »

i enjoy building, and the community always makes me laugh.