Author Topic: I need a sky.  (Read 2731 times)

Specifically, One that looks like it when it rains at our house, very light gray sky with some very slightly darker patches.
Also, I need it to be raining, too.

i don't know what your house looks like when it rains

I'm not saying specifically my house, I need a sky that matches the description I've given.

One that looks like it when it rains at our house
Your description is literally what the sky at your house looks like though.

He's saying he wants a sky like this

Or something like that, at least

He's saying he wants a sky like this

Or something like that, at least
that's redundantly redundant u silly

ot: i think something like this might already exist but it prob isn't exactly how u want it i'll check sometime tomorrow

I've never seen your house, but I think Broken Sky from My ROBLOX Skybox Pack Could work well.

He's saying he wants a sky like this

Or something like that, at least
A little lighter, like, almost white.

I've never seen your house, but I think Broken Sky from My ROBLOX Skybox Pack Could work well.
Broken sky dosen't seem like the sky I'm looking for, but thanks for trying.

Your description is literally what the sky at your house looks like though.
You're ignoring the rest of the description.
Specifically, One that looks like it when it rains at our house, very light gray sky with some very slightly darker patches.
Also, I need it to be raining, too.

so basically i raised the brightness level and is this what you want?

so basically i raised the brightness level and is this what you want?

Yes, precisely that! All I need is that, I've changed my mind about the rain.