Author Topic: [NEWS] US just launched 50 Tomahawks at Syrian military airfield  (Read 10509 times)

The US has extremely powerful allies, which would aid in any sort of battle. Any allies Syria has is other terrorist organizations
you're stupid

>America starts moving troops to S-Korea in preperation for a stuffshow
< N-Korea drops an ICBM in the ocean as a forget you to the US
< Assad drops gas on civies
< Annoying Orange goes from idgaf about Assad to something needs to be done
< Xi Jinping comes to America to discuss N-Korea shenanigans
< Russia says that support for Assad isnt unconditional for the first time ever
< Russia gets a warning call from Annoying Orange to pull troops from certain areas of the base abput to be bombed
< Annoying Orange lives up to his responsibility and does something Assad on the same day hes meeting with Xi Jinping
< Drops 50 loving bombs on the base where the gas was launched
< No Russians killed or injured
< China sees what happens if they dont play ball and get N-Korea to chill

Never lose faith

« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 10:41:41 AM by espio100 »

< greentexting on BLF
< not using superior redtext


I'm seeing people say it just wiped out the air field, Russians had notification, and there were little to no casualties. Has this been confirmed yet?

I'm saying people say that Russia had a warning ahead of time to clear their people out, but nothing to really back it up. I guess our best shot at figuring out WTF is going on is to hide and watch.

Espio stop trying to be the meme guy

war might not be soon, but it sure is brewing!

jesus forget cod irl

Espio stop trying to be the meme guy
Too late, I already am my dude