Author Topic: Cavik's CityRPG - Bad admins, bad gamemode  (Read 10863 times)

I get that these servers are bad and you'll see others say "why are you playing this?" "if it's so bad why are you complaining, you should leave" etc.
I am here to tell you how this server is just as bad as the others. There are parts where I do complain a bit but do I either sit there and take it or should I try to fight the situation to get it solved (not just by 'clearing my record')?

So before reading this topic, I do often complain so I'll actually tone down a lot from now on. The more I complain the more I feed people that accept the complaining and laugh at it. I do apologize for going a little too far on some of these, so I'll completely tone myself down.

So let's start off with areforever (ID 45562), he randomly baton my vehicle (twice) which explodes, then I end up getting me wanted. I start to complain about it and he jumps up like he didn't mean it when my vehicle was on top of the house. It literally takes 2 seconds to wrench my place to figure out who owns it. Also, why are you batoning the vehicle anyways?

Of course I get let out in like 10 seconds but I lost my cop job forever because I was wanted. I could of simply asked for a pardon but he was being a richard about it.

After me complaining about losing my job he asks if he wants to erase my record which is fine to ask

Before these 2 chats I do say that the server is garbage and I do explain a bit of it

It just gets worse from here, Col Burton (ID 6911) budges in like he knows what's going on, so his solution is "if you don't like it leave" instead of trying to fix the problem or at least acknowledge it

What I don't understand is why are people using "lmao" and "lmfao" all the time, I do say that the admins are trash but he won't even acknowledge that either, he just once again says "leave if you dont like it"

Ah yes let's keep saying "if you don't like it leave" and not actually solve what's going on

"you arent bright" was directly to areforever, not to Burton

Yes I see that you are offering for a clear record but that's not what I want, but being a richard just makes this worse

Now he's trying to be nice. From what it looks like he supports what Areforever was doing which was batoning my vehicle to get me wanted, and then jail me.

He's still trying to continue

Col mutes me after saying one more thing after Areforever keeps continuing, this makes no sense at all

I asked why am I muted by both my alt and by a PM, never got a response. How rude.

tl;dr - I went on a server and wasted many of my hours on it and regretting it. I lose my job by someone who thought batoning my vehicles was funny to him. After enough complaining I get muted by Burton while the other guy actually made the situation worse but he never got muted. There's 0 logic to this server just like every other CityRPG.

CityRPGs will always have flaws but if you're going to host a server you should know who you admin and what to expect on your server. These types of CityRPGs (from IBan) makes me wonder what the host's goal if they know it's literally broken but keep hosting it.

any normal classic cityrpg gamemode has some corrupt administration and/or some broken stuff in it i don't even know why people still manage to host it anymore. every "edit" i go to feels just like the same as the other like panpour5's for example and this server.

really can't wait for the new stuff like suburbia to come at this point because the proof of concept is genuine.

cavik wasn't really a good person so i'd /support.

Col burton is a moron, but the telling thing is that this server allows setro. That's damning enough

Cavik's city RPG has been through drama in the past, this isn't surprising.

I would host a City RPG myself, but I'd rather learn torquescript and make my own new gamemode one day instead.

Col burton is a moron, but the telling thing is that this server allows setro. That's damning enough

setro comes back part. 565

I would host a City RPG myself, but I'd rather learn torquescript and make my own new gamemode one day instead.

it's gonna take a lot of time and work to make a completely new gamemode. ask visolator or that one guy that made his own crpg, i forgot his name, was it bb2(something)?

I absolutely HATE it whenever someone dismisses complaints about a server with "if you dont like it just leave!". It pulls in victim blaming along with a false dilemma fallacy to make one big cluster of stupidity. And often times its only used by buttbuddys of the host and nobody else.

Most CRPGS ive seen are either broken to hell and back or are hosted by immature and dictatorial admins.

setro comes back part. 565

it's gonna take a lot of time and work to make a completely new gamemode. ask visolator or that one guy that made his own crpg, i forgot his name, was it bb2(something)?

yeah this server does have a lot of bad administration /support I guess

setro comes back part. 565

it's gonna take a lot of time and work to make a completely new gamemode. ask visolator or that one guy that made his own crpg, i forgot his name, was it bb2(something)?
Its not going to be as complex as a city rpg, it wont need to be.
It will involve building, eventing, environmental cubes and theme building.

cavik will always be incapable of properly hosting a server

What I don't understand is why are people using "lmao" and "lmfao" all the time, I do say that the admins are trash but he won't even acknowledge that either, he just once again says "leave if you dont like it"
this so much

/support, Iban remakes are getting very annoying and the circle jerks that are for some reason allowed are really unfair and annoying

I offered a clear, offered cash for your job back, you just kept complaining like I have anything to do with the server. If it makes you feel any better, I was muted at the same time as you. You bitched and moaned about having to "work your way back for hours" and have it "taken away in 2 seconds by a moron" or something along those lines, but I could have just cleared you and given you your job back. Not helping me in any way, but if you're this torn up about me slapping a glitched car and then slapping you for having a red name...

I told you both to shut up, and he replied "forget you suck me", implying he would stop talking.

At this point, I didn't mute anybody, then you decided to keep it up.

I muted you, then he replied and I muted him.

Again, you were just there to complain about the server and the game mode. If you didn't like it, leave. He was offering you to clear your record, but instead of taking his offer to fix your problem, you continued to bitch and moan about the server and the game mode. You are the problem here, not the server, and neither me nor Areforever.

If you didn't like it, leave.

Alternatively, if you can't handle being an admin on the server without telling your playerbase to leave first response, you should probably take a break. You could have cleared this all up by not being an absolute knob about it.