Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 132081 times)

"Hey, uh.. Zhang? Sorry, bad with names."

A chime rings out followed by the doors of the subway closing and the electric train accelerating back down the tunnel, exchanging the view of the lit station with the black darkness of the tunnel, with only the occasional yellow-orange sodium lamp.

"We're getting close."

An awkward silence resumes, only permeated by the drunk mumblings of the man at the other end of the car.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 10:38:11 PM by SWAT One »

"No, it's Jae." he replies.  "Drinking, huh. I used to do it all the time, before I had my throat replaced with implants of dubious quality."

"No, it's Jae." he replies.  "Drinking, huh. I used to do it all the time, before I had my throat replaced with implants of dubious quality."
"No," Norum gestures to the woman who just entered. "Her."

"Anyways, we've almost arrived."

A few minutes and a couple stops later, they arrive at their stop. Norum leads them out through the exit terminal and up the stairs where they arrive only about a dozen yards away from the bar.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 03:46:27 AM by SWAT One »

Elena has arrived at the bar ahead of the others, if anyone is already there.

Amanda sits alone at a booth, staring at a wall. The noise of the doors opening grabs her attention and her red glowing eyes snap to the new arrival.

Amanda recognizes Elena, who has gone to great lengths to improve her appearance. She's wearing a white shoulderless crop top and a navy blue, high waisted flared skirt, with black leggings underneath. She's also got bright red lipstick on.

She sees Amanda, and recognizes her business partner and runs over.

"Hey!" she exclaims cheerily, "How are you?"
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 12:19:53 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

With caution, Zhang gazes around the room, briefly locking eyes with a woman's piercing red ones. She breaks eye contact before she notices every minute detail of her face and catches Elena walking towards the woman with startling familiarity. Giving a slight huff of displeasure, Zhang looks at Norum.
"So where are we sitting?"

"Sit anywhere. Elena should have a tab open." he says curtly before heading straight to the bar to speak with the barman, "hi, has this young lady set up a table yet?" he asks, pointing to the somewhat scantily-clad lady who had just greeted a woman sitting at the booth seat.

"No, not yet. Can I get you anything?" he asks back before dispensing a pint for another patron.

"Eh, not yet, just gimme a minute." Norum turns and casually approaches Elena and addresses her in an almost hushed tone, "Heeeyy, would you mind opening a tab, please? People are starting to roll in."
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 01:53:58 PM by SWAT One »

     Daniel looks up from tinkering with his PDA to see a motley crew of five walk through the door.  He furrowed his brow, picking up his glass of water and taking a sip.


     Daniel snapped out of his focus on the entering group, looking back at the man sitting across from him.  "Sorry, sorry," he said, going back to tapping at his data pad.

     "The footage is sent, along with any notes I took.  I've gotta say, it's looking bleak, I don't think you're gonna be able to do it -- "

     "You leave the heist stuff to us, Danny, don't you forgetin' doubt me," the man said, pointing sternly at him.

     Daniel rolled his eyes, sipping from his water, "Get out of my forgetin' hair already, you're making a scene," he replied.

     The man got up and shuffled out of the booth, maintaining eye-contact with Daniel, who began to shoo him away with his hand, turning his attention back toward the group.  He reached for his gloved right hand, revealing an abnormally shiny hand.  He places his hand on the table, his hand beginning to gently vibrate.  "Lots of metal in this room," Daniel remarked under his breath.

     Sipping his water, he continued to stare toward the group, furrowing his brow.

e: made this easier to read, typed it up on my phone
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 01:52:48 PM by blazerblock2 »

Norum hears a slight humming and looks to where he thought he heard it, to see a man staring back at him, then turns back to Elena with little regard to who the man is and not seeming to notice anything abnormal.

Ryde enters the bar spots Amanda's and Elena's booth. Being the only two people he can see, he walks over and greets them both.

one of Amandas eyes darts around the rest of the room as Elena loudly approaches her

"You're making a scene... what are you doing here? And who's this?" Amanda looks Ryde over and automatically snaps pictures of him, adding it to her visual database.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 03:18:36 PM by Tayasaurus »

The bar is par for the course as far as bars go. It's on the inside of an older looking brick building in Hanley Park, which contrasts with the more varied and modern look of Midtown's buildings. It has an atmosphere similar to a British pub, with the bog standard trinkets and novelty items hanging from the walls. There is some activity in the bar but it is not by any means packed. Seating consists of high seats at the bar, as well as booth seats.

one of Amandas eyes darts around the rest of the room as Elena loudly approaches her

"You're making a scene... what are you doing here? And who's this?" Amanda looks Ryde over and automatically snaps pictures of him, adding it to her visual database.

"Did you not get my invitation to go for a pub crawl? And this is one of my business partners,"

Norum hears a slight humming and looks to where he thought he heard it, to see a man staring back at him, then turns back to Elena with little regard to who the man is and not seeming to notice anything abnormal.

Elena turns to Norum, cheery.

"Yeah, sorry," she says, "Go head and get a seat for us."

She goes momentarily and opens up the group's tab. She waves to Daniel, recalling him as one of the people she'd reached out to, and returns to Amanda's table.

Elena AGI: 30
Elena knows Sleight of Hand, +0
About as difficult as pick pocketing, +20
Test taken at 50
Roll: 30
Test failed.

Norum feels a finger brush over his wallet.

Ryde enters the bar spots Amanda's and Elena's booth. Being the only two people he can see, he walks over and greets them both.

"Welcome back!" Elena exclaims.

edit, i keep forgetting dh and only war are roll under systems, a test of 50 with a roll of 30 is a success

so if that happens again, tell me
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 06:46:57 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"So uhh... What are we discussing?", Ryde asks.

Jae attempts to discern the pub's selection of fine alcoholic drinks.