Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 132085 times)

Norum turns around and silently flips off the person who just swiped over his back pocket.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 05:42:49 PM by SWAT One »

      Daniel roosters his head to the right as Elena points to him.  He gets up, his brow furrowed even more, "Who are you?" he asked as he swiftly approached her, "What do you want with me, why you waving?"
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 07:13:46 PM by blazerblock2 »

"So uhh... What are we discussing?", Ryde asks.

"Well, I have to go over the pub crawl route. We'll discuss everything later,"

Jae attempts to discern the pub's selection of fine alcoholic drinks.

The bar draws heavily on its English pub motif, serving beers, ales, lagers, both imported and domestic, as well as a much smaller selection harder liquors. You're hard pressed to find wines or roostertails.

Norum turns around and silently flips off the person who just swiped over his back pocket.

Elena elbows you in the ribs.

      Daniel roosters his head to the right as Elena points to him.  He gets up, his brow furrowed even more, "Who are you?" he asked as he swiftly approached her, "What do you want with me, why you waving?"

She turns and addresses you.

"I'm Elena, does that jog your memory?" she says curtly.

 Her tone is not malicious.

Ryde shrugs, and orders a soda.

Norum smiles and laughs gently in the form of air rushing out of his nose.  He looks around to see where people of the group are sitting and notices Elena, Ryde, and some unknown young woman at a booth.  He steps up to the bar and browses the beer menu for a bit.

The bartender notices him and leans forward onto the bar, holding a rag in one hand.
"Hey, you want any samples?"
"Uhh no. Thanks, though. I'll take a Bridgecastle Amber, and put it on the tab of the lady over there," he says, pointing at Elena.
"Right, can I see a card?"

Norum lets out a heavy sigh and reaches for his back pocket, where he pulls out his wallet, opens it, slides his ID out from the windowed slot and hands it to the bartender.  The bartender squints at the card, looks back at Norum, back at the card, and back at Norum again.  "Right, then. One sec."

Norum puts his ID away and places his wallet back in his back pocket. He leans on the bar with one arm and crosses his legs, looking around at the various trinkets and memorabilia from the colonial age.

"Alright, here you are," the bartender says suddenly, interrupting Norum's train of thought as his eyes scanned the room.

"Right, thanks."

Norum then walks to the booth with Elena, Amanda and Ryde.

"Hey guys, what's up?" he says, and stops, noticing Amanda. "You seem new. Elena here invite you?" he says, pointing with his head and scooting into the booth seat.

Ryde looks up at Norum as he is in the middle of taking a sip of his soda. Once he finishes, he greets him.

Norum nods and smiles at Ryde, then turns his attention back to Amanda.

If Amanda still had a face she would have had an irritated expression, instead she could only express it in tone. Her optics automatically take photos of Norum and store them away.

"Yes. She just failed to mention that this was a social meet and not a business affair."  Amanda's eyes focus again on Elena as if to shoot her an annoyed look.

Norum takes a swig of beer.
"Well yes.  And no.  Kinda hard to say.  For us, it's more social.  For Elena, well, both.  You'll see."

Norum takes another swig, his beer already a full inch down from the brim.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 12:31:44 AM by SWAT One »

"This isn't the first time I've had to deal with her folly."

Amanda gives Norum her full attention

"My databases aren't giving me any in-depth information about you. Whats your role in this?"

"Oh so you do know about her. Well if things go south, which they don't usually do, then we have a crew here" he says, sounding mildly annoyed probably that he was investigated without really asking for it.

"I'm here for..."
"Selfish reasons," he says, gently tapping the side of the pint with his fingertips.

"Plus, it's hilarious to watch."

"Hmph. In any case, I will probably make my presence short once I am done with Elena. If you find this helpful, there are at least 3 people here with a history of senseless violence. The probability of an incident is high. Best keep your hand near your pistol... Type 150 series at least am I correct?"

Amanda's eyes start to wander the room again, probably becoming bored.

"159. There's no 150. And don't worry, I have it on me just in case."

Norum takes another swig.

"So how did he do it?" Amanda asks, not being very specific.

Norum stares at Amanda, eyes reduced to black slits, and thinks for half a second. "Perhaps when I know you better, you'll find out."

Norum's head turns as he notices a man noticeably drunk laughing loudly in the otherwise calm bar.