Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 132288 times)

     Daniel repeats his routine, showering, putting his arm on, getting dressed and headed out to Elena's meeting place on his bike.  He finds a safe place to park it, and enters the meeting place.

Shortly before Daniel lands, he sees a scooter approach the building's front. A garage door opens, spilling some yellow-white light pour out onto the street. The scooter turns into this opening, and the garage door shuts behind it.

Ryde arrives at the meeting spot, flipping through his phone as he does. He then looks up and spots Daniel and greets him. "So uhh, this it?" Ryde asks Daniel.

     Daniel repeats his routine, showering, putting his arm on, getting dressed and headed out to Elena's meeting place on his bike.  He finds a safe place to park it, and enters the meeting place.

Ryde arrives at the meeting spot, flipping through his phone as he does. He then looks up and spots Daniel and greets him. "So uhh, this it?" Ryde asks Daniel.

You arrive at the address Elena gave you. It is in a rather abandoned looking light industrial block of Midtown. The building's lights are on. The industrial landscape rises in the background in to low clouds of the late evening, and the cloud ceiling is illuminated in light.

The building itself is a high-bay structure, with a garage door in the front on the right half of the building as you face it, same one the scooter went in to. At the left corner of the building, there are a pair of heavy main doors. The windows are barred. There are also windows lining the top of the walls near the roof. On the left side of the building, there is a structure protruding a half-story above the roof, which also has windows on its highest level, although they are smaller. Any signage on the building itself is missing.

Elena's car has been parked out front.

Norum parks inside, turning to the right where some very dusty machines lay idle, unused for years and parks between them. He dismounts, throwing a tarp over the scooter and walking towards the middle of the room.

He stops and drags a large, circular table toward the middle of the room, sets his two contributions on the table and places 8 chairs, a few of them mismatched, around the table.

He shouts out in the resonant area, "Elena, you here?! You got glasses?" Norum walks over to the garage where he entered and flips a switch. Outside, Daniel and Ryde see overhead lights turn on.

Ryde looks to Daniel for a moment, before knocking on the garage door. "Norum? You in here?" Ryde calls out inquisitively.

Norum stops, eyes widening as he hears his name through the door. "Hello? What is it?"

"I've came to collect my bounty...", Ryde says mysteriously, forming a classic villain's voice. Suddenly, he throws open the garage door, attempting to scare Norum.

The door won't budge.

Norum, startled, instinctively pulls out his gun and points it at the door as it shakes and then realizes that it was Ryde being an idiot.

The door opens revealing first Norum's metallic & carbon fiber feet, then a hand pointing a pistol at Ryde, and then the angry grimmace of a very pissed Asiatic manlet Norum, pistol lowering when they lock eyes.

"HEY! What the forget is wrong with you?! Do I barge into your place like I own it?! You got a screw loose?!!"

Norum takes advantage of a hopefully startled Ryde and addresses Daniel, face relaxing partially, "Hey, Dan, come on in. Refreshments are on the table." His attention turns back to Ryde. "You're lucky I didn't make a hole in your empty-ass skull!"

Elena hears the commotion downstairs.

Ryde, though a little shooken up, seems to be entertained with the reaction. "Alright, alright. Sorry." Ryde doesn't seem sorry in the slightest. He then takes a seat on the table.

Elena bursts through a door, carrying a bag of disposable cups and and couple of shot glasses.

"What happened?"

Danield and Ryde are seated. The bay of the structure is large, and the roof extends up about two two three stories. It is illuminated quietly by bars of white LED lights. Around the bay is scattered, disused heavy machinery. None of them look in particularly good order. The table is near the corner of the bay in the back left side of the building. It is a dinged and dented circular metal dining table. The chairs are fold out.

Above you, built into the wall of the bay is a ledge and railing. There are a couple rooms open to the bay, thought you cant see whats inside.

Ryde is smiling, still remembering the prank he pulled on Norum

Norum tucks his pistol back in his bag. "The smug little forgetstick over there tried to bust in, saying something about collecting a bounty. I nearly gave him a new starfish."

Ryde snickers at the retelling of his prank, spitting through gags, "forgetin'... Rightious."

Norum tucks his pistol back in his bag. "The smug little forgetstick over there tried to bust in, saying something about collecting a bounty. I nearly gave him a new starfish."

Ryde snickers at the retelling of his prank, spitting through gags, "forgetin'... Rightious."

Elena glares at Ryde before dumping her stock of cups on to the table.

"I can think of a half dozen people who, if I joked with them like that, would shoot me and dump me in the river," she deadpans.