Author Topic: The Division - Anybody played recently?  (Read 1280 times)

I'm looking through my steam library trying to figure out what game I can play since all my friends are playing something new from the sale, and due to my recently saving escapade, I'm trying out old games and seeing if any updates have improved games.

How's the Division? Does anyone still play it? Has anyone played it recently?
I'm pretty sure its not even worth my time to download it, I hopped off the game hype probably around May 2016.

Let me know your thoughts please, whether you still play or have played recently!

Played it around January, it's really boring and repetitive.

I got it, played for an hour and then never picked it up again

I enjoy the division, probably going to start playing it some more if I have time and nobody else wants to play
definitely would play some more if other people want to play

I still like it. Servers richard out too much now, though.

I was burned too heavily from the launch where if you weren't min-maxed to hell and with a group of similar min-maxers you'd get instagibbed by anything even one level above you. I'm sure it's changed, but as I said I've been burned too bad already.

They fixed a lot of issues with the game but it still feels pretty eh as of the last free weekend.

The Division is pretty damn fun, even more fun with friends because the Dark Zone becomes remotely playable against the OP enemies as well as Chinese hackers. Might give it a reinstall.