Author Topic: BLIVE 1.0.0 [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]  (Read 16566 times)

if you have a very definite featurelist, and probable features, and definitely-never-a-feature list, it should help with settling on a basic site design
ive settled on a site design now at least, even if it looks like horsestuff

ur site is ded
probably another website that will die within a month
hardware issues; i mentioned it in DEVELOPER NOTES on the index page

it is online again

also, i was basically redesigning the staff page, nobody question that

im going to focus more on developing a side project, FRLANC.[insert_cheap_tld_here]

if anyone wants to use it, use

i dont want to buy a new domain

« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 06:39:59 PM by theviacom »

hardware issues; i mentioned it in DEVELOPER NOTES on the index page
but the site was down how would i know that?

when does it die?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 01:01:51 PM by Sylvanor »

Wait, this still didn't die yet? Well, can't stop you, OP. But I really believe that you are just wasting your time and skills.

I recommend that you should close this topic until you get pretty far with this project, including ideas of making membership logins including IP bans, possibly making an in-game verification system so you can only allow premium members to upload stuff to your site. As a creator of a hosting service, you need to have some thought of "is this going to work well?" "is this a good idea?" "would anyone use this?" and even make better ideas that people suggest - if you really need to you can always chat to someone about the idea and ask them if they want that as a feature, doesn't hurt to try! Competition is great, don't let it be a monopoly if you have potential in making something cool.

You did post too early about your hosting website and then it got spammed with a bunch of bad files possibly being illegal content. Another key to being a creator is finding bugs in your own content and then ask a few people you can trust, and make sure these people aren't just your 'friends'; ask them if they are good at technology to see if they can mess with code client-side and then report the bugs to you of what they find and how they did it. Posting here was not a good idea because the site still has some bugs to fix and we do have people who have the potential of messing up servers/websites. According to what I have been seeing you might have at least 10GB of data uploaded to your server that was not needed.

If I were you, I would close this topic and take down the site for now and keep testing locally - try to learn more about encryption/security, look up some documentations on hosting a site with javascript or what ever programming language you plan to use - ignore design for now because that is the last thing you should really do. Making the website pretty is a good appeal but some people will look more into "does this website actually have good content/service?" - also look at some other websites, some websites are pretty good but are not good in design

Another tip is to avoid doing multiple tasks in a project, mod makers actually do this very often (including me) and eventually stop making the project or take forever making it. Do one thing at a time and then edit it later if it really needs it.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 01:03:06 AM by Kyuande »

but the site was down how would i know that?
no clue
when does it die?
not sure
Wait, this still didn't die yet? Well, can't stop you, OP. But I really believe that you are just wasting your time and skills.
i work on side projects in addition to this
i have a weird emotional attachment to it
I recommend that you should close this topic until you get pretty far with this project, including ideas of making membership logins including IP bans, possibly making an in-game verification system so you can only allow premium members to upload stuff to your site. As a creator of a hosting service, you need to have some thought of "is this going to work well?" "is this a good idea?" "would anyone use this?" and even make better ideas that people suggest - if you really need to you can always chat to someone about the idea and ask them if they want that as a feature, doesn't hurt to try! Competition is great, don't let it be a monopoly if you have potential in making something cool.

You did post too early about your hosting website and then it got spammed with a bunch of bad files possibly being illegal content. Another key to being a creator is finding bugs in your own content and then ask a few people you can trust, and make sure these people aren't just your 'friends'; ask them if they are good at technology to see if they can mess with code client-side and then report the bugs to you of what they find and how they did it. Posting here was not a good idea because the site still has some bugs to fix and we do have people who have the potential of messing up servers/websites. According to what I have been seeing you might have at least 10GB of data uploaded to your server that was not needed.

If I were you, I would close this topic and take down the site for now and keep testing locally - try to learn more about encryption/security, look up some documentations on hosting a site with javascript or what ever programming language you plan to use - ignore design for now because that is the last thing you should really do. Making the website pretty is a good appeal but some people will look more into "does this website actually have good content/service?" - also look at some other websites, some websites are pretty good but are not good in design

Another tip is to avoid doing multiple tasks in a project, mod makers actually do this very often (including me) and eventually stop making the project or take forever making it. Do one thing at a time and then edit it later if it really needs it.
i would have tested it with others if i had the time or motivation to, but lately, i havent exactly been active out of being too busy for it or having no ideas

i dont really need any member logins because i can already simply block uploads for ips

"possibly making an in-game verification system so you can only allow premium members to upload stuff to your site"

i would rather not, because that would defeat the idea of anonyminity and it would also defeat the convenience of being able to just do it in three clicks

"According to what I have been seeing you might have at least 10GB of data uploaded to your server that was not needed."

"You did post too early about your hosting website and then it got spammed with a bunch of bad files possibly being illegal content"

i can agree that this was a mistake i made about it, since i didnt think about anything like spam or html/sql injection or an upload->accept/reject system

Obviously I was way off on the size of files but worth a try

Membership system will not ruin anonyminity if you allow it. Here is how it works, only admins can see who posts what, non-members and regular members only see when it was posted. It just makes it harder for banned users to post more if you do this because they have to verify they bought the game, or use a simple email system, or enjoy your IP bans that people can easily get around. The verification system is a good idea as long as you display anonyminity properly and only allow admins like you to see who is posting what.

Obviously I was way off on the size of files but worth a try

Membership system will not ruin anonyminity if you allow it. Here is how it works, only admins can see who posts what, non-members and regular members only see when it was posted. It just makes it harder for banned users to post more if you do this because they have to verify they bought the game, or use a simple email system, or enjoy your IP bans that people can easily get around. The verification system is a good idea as long as you display anonyminity properly and only allow admins like you to see who is posting what.

if i am motivated to, i will try to add an account system based on your blockland id or email that will be hidden to most users by default sans admins

if i am motivated to, i will try to add an account system based on your blockland id or email that will be hidden to most users by default sans admins
theres a php auth function lying around on the forums somewhere- i think pecon made that, and it checks via ip & blid, you can use that

theres a php auth function lying around on the forums somewhere- i think pecon made that, and it checks via ip & blid, you can use that

$res = http_post_fields("", array(
                        "NAME" => $name,
                        "IP" => $ip

basically $res will either return "NO" or "YES IDHERE" I believe
example of me using it:

Thanks, guys.  I will probably use cURL since PECL was a pain to install.